Chapter 13: Karl's owners

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Can I just say, god it feels weird that I don't have to update a chapter of Bodyguard. But Ezra and I are working on the first chapter of 'what if' which is in the Bodyguard book.

It is 'what if Karl was a stripper, but everything else in the story happened as it did.'
Karl POV.

My eyes fluttered open and took a few moments to get accustomed to the dark room I had been sleeping in. I let out a quiet yawn and rolled over, attempting to sit up and stretch.
However, the arms that were wrapped around me pulled me back down onto the sheets as both pairs of arms tightened. "Morning Karl," Sapnap mumbled, pressing a kiss against my forehead.

Neither of them needed sleep, so both of them always laid in bed with me, even if they had something important to do they'd stay with me all night.
Ever since this whole mess with demons coming to Earth started, I could only ever sleep with somebody watching over me (when I was a kid it was my 2 siblings, and recently it was George or Darryl) the pair of demons would always stay beside me when I slept. It was nice.

"How did you sleep Karl?" Quackity asked from behind me, his bare chest was pressed against my clothed back.
I sat up and let out a yawn, before readjusting myself so I was laying down and facing Quackity. "Good… thank you sirs."

It felt weird to call them by their first names, but I wasn’t sure what I should call them instead. The pair took me downtown yesterday and I saw a lot of humans all of whom had to call their demons something like 'sir' or 'boss' or even 'master'. Now I call them both sirs, unintentionally of course though.

When I called Quackity that, both of the demons let out a growl. Neither liked it when I called them anything besides their actual names.
"Sorry, I meant Quackity…"
They let out a hum of satisfaction and I felt Sapnap's hand tangle into my hair.

The pair of them were engaged to be married, and surprisingly were really affectionate towards me, not that I minded. I always really liked getting cuddles. In fact, weirdly enough they seemed to prioritise me over each other, making sure I was always happy with everything before even considering the other person… I didn’t know if it was because I was human, or if it was because I was new to this place but I didn’t mind

"Is there anything that you want, Karl? I could go make you something for breakfast." Sapnap suggested. He and his fiance were always trying to make sure I was happy… it was cute.
"No thank you. I’m not that hungry." I replied.

Quackity POV.

Karl was extremely cute, both Sapnap and I agreed. We fell in love with him the minute he brought him home. We knew about what humans had to deal with and both pitied him, it must have been hard to live out in the wilderness, struggling to stay warm and have food, and to keep a good mental health. Karl seemed strong enough, but we wanted him to gain weight which he lost after a poor diet from his time in the wilderness. We made sure he ate enough and drank enough and got enough sleep.

And, we had promised ourselves that he would never have to hunt for his own food again. He'd never have to be cold again. He'd never have to worry about anything again.

And poor Karl. A few days after we got him we discovered he was scared to be alone, after spending 10 years watching his back as he fought for his life.

One of us would always be with him, showering our human with affection. Plus we gave him anything that he needed or wanted.

The only thing that sucked was how I had to go to work almost every day. I never got to spend much time with Karl during the day so he had to deal with Sapnap all day.

Today was one of those days, but I decided I was going to offer to bring Karl with me today to the casino. I sat up and pulled the brunette up with me, but he groaned in slight annoyance, clearly wanting to stay in bed and cuddle all day instead.

Sapnap sat up too, running his hand along Karl's back and sending me a curious glance. "What are you thinking babe?" he asked me as Karl leaned into the gentle touches on his back and shoulders.
"I was wondering if Karl wanted to come to work with me today…” I stated, before turning to look at the human who was watching me curiously. “Well Karl? Do you wanna come with me to the casino?”

“Am I allowed to?” Karl asked, tilting his head to the side in an adorable manner. “Are humans even allowed to go to the casino where you work?”
I shrugged my shoulders, “well I am the boss, and I think that you should be allowed to be there with me. I mean I’ve never talked to people about the rules concerning humans but guests come with them all the time either way.”

“What about Sapnap?" The brunette asked, turning his attention to the other person in the bed. The ravenette looked at Karl before he leaned forward and kissed the human's forehead gently. "I'll be coming with you Karl… obviously. You're my human and there are too many other demons there for it to be just you and Quackity."
"No he won't." Both of them turned to look at me. "All you do is run off and gamble everything, plus Karl will be with me all day in my office. He'll be fine."

Sapnap let out an annoyed growl as his eyes narrowed, but then he sighed. "Fine. But I want to make sure Karl is okay, anything happens and I will drive right there to take him."

"Seems fair," I agreed, and in response Sapnap pulled me in for a kiss, while Karl just watched awkwardly. I pulled away and turned to look at the human and smirked before moving over to him and kissing him on the lips.
Karl's face flushed and he attempted to look away only to get kissed on the cheek by Sapnap.

"You're too adorable for a human," Sapnap teased, causing the boy's face to flush a brighter red.
"I am not." Karl replied, before Sapnap's hand tangled back in the boy's hair again, and he leaned into the touch.
"You shouldn't lie, Karl, it makes us angry, and nobody likes an angry demon."
“Sorry,” Karl mumbled, which caused me to chuckle. So cute.
“You don’t need to apologize Karl,” Sapnap cooed, nuzzling his head against Karl’s neck.

Nuzzling another person’s neck is a way of demons saying that they own each other, or own an animal or a human. It made Karl squirm slightly but he liked it and cocked his head to the side allowing Sapnap to do it. Sapnap took his time too, kissing the human in between nuzzles.

I watched contently for a few moments before joining in, nuzzling against the other side of Karl’s neck until I glanced at the time. I had to be at work in an hour so I pulled away from my human and climbed out of the bed, before turning around and picking him up. Karl allowed me to move him and I carried him into the bathroom.  “Get ready baby,” I told him as I planted a kiss on his cheek before leaving the room.
1289 words.

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