Chapter 29: the mysterious man

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Okay so I have been reading through a lot of your comments, and you all point out when the demons purr and growl, or anything else.

And nuzzling is a way of saying that they care for whoever they nuzzle.

Demons DNA is pretty much a match up of cat, dog, and human DNA, with human DNA making up like 95% of their DNA. 3% is cat, and 2% is dog.

You are welcome.
George POV.

I watched the man for a while and then after a moment his eyes met mine and he spotted me. My breath hitched as he began running to me and eventually grabbed my shoulders, his eyes looking into mine… nowhere else. “Please!” he begged. “You've got to help me! These demons are trying to kill me!”

“What do you mean?” I asked, looking around to see if I could spot any demons coming but I couldn’t.
“Demons have been chasing me for years, and if they catch me they will definitely kill me!” he said, clearly on the brink of a panic attack.
“Demons don’t kill humans,” I replied, and he looked to me somewhat confused so I explained. “As far as I know they keep humans alive as either pets or servants…”

“How do you know that?” the man asked before looking me up and down and gasping.
“You’re one of them!” he hissed, before changing his expression to something more sad and pathetic. “Please! Please! Don’t tell your demon master that you saw me here.” he began to beg.
“Don’t worry,” I replied, before reaching down to help him up, “my demon is asleep right now, I was planning on leaving.”

“Thank you then.” The man stood up and brushed his shirt off.
“Why do you think that demons will kill you?” I asked the man, feeling genuinely curious but then again, I felt that too before Dream found me.
“I… I did something over 10 years ago now, something stupid that screwed us all over. If I can undo it all of this will go away.” he began to ramble like he was insane and maybe he was, if he spent 10 years in the forest alone, or with a small group of people must not have been good to his sanity. It hadn’t been for a lot of people I’ve met over the years.

“What did you do?” I asked, “what did you do that screwed everyone over?”
He stopped walking, letting out an obvious gulp before answering. “I brought the demons… I was a scientist and summoned a demon. We learned about him and his kind and then I was ordered by the president to dissect him… the demon didn’t like that idea.”

This is crazy, this has to be crazy, there is no way that this is true. This skittish man in front of me couldn’t possibly have been responsible for everything that happened. But as I looked into his eyes I didn’t see any sign of him lying, or any hint of him being crazy. Still, I wanted to know more.
“Why do they want to kill you?” I asked, “I mean what’s done is done unless they are still mad at you for attempting to kill one of them.”
The man let out a chuckle before looking over to me sheepishly. “I made the machine that brought them here, they know I can make one to get rid of them.”
“Get rid of them?” I should sound happy, the demons have ruined my life, 10 years of sleeping in the open, always having to watch my back and hunt for food. Still there were good demons too. Dream, Skeppy, Sapnap, and Quackity all were nice and Darryl and Karl seemed happy with them.

“You sound worried,” the man stated, his eyes flicking up at the leafless trees. “Yeah I am,” I responded, “not all of the demons here are bad.”
“These demons have done bad things to our people,” he responded, “why would you care? They released a plague which killed millions, then they took America and a bunch of other psychotic creatures took the rest of the world. I’m sure that you lost people thanks to them… a parent… friend… or sibling perhaps?”

I nodded, “both parents,” it made me sad to think about but I managed to give the man a small smile, even if my eyes were filled with tears during this.
“Same…” the man responded, “...but not parents. I lost my wife when she got the disease when this whole thing started. And then a demon separated me from my son. I assume that he’s dead too because that’s easier than worrying. Anyway, that was two… three years ago now, and I have been on the run ever since.”
The way that his family died scared me, that was the same way I lost my mother, and then my father. Does that mean… no it couldn’t… right?

“What about you kid? How did you end up here?” the man asked.
“Well…” I began to explain but at the same time I was still wondering if what he said was related to what happened to me. “I lost my mother during the plague and then I lost my father to a demon. After that I met up with my friends Darryl and Karl. We were caught 2 or 3 months ago now and I managed to get away.”

After hearing my story the man seemed suspicious, I think he believes what I may believe. So I stopped us from walking and looked at him, “I-uh haven’t asked yet but I was wondering what your name is?”
“Oh.” the man smiled, “my name is Richard, Dr Richard Davidson.”
So it was true… “...Dad…” I mumbled it under my breath, but the man caught it and looked up at me.

I nodded, the tears that had been forming in my eyes earlier were now pouring out down my cheeks. He immediately pulled me in for a hug that felt so good after 3 years apart. “I thought you were dead.” he said as he held me, and I responded with a small ‘me too.’

“If you are getting hunted down Dad, we need to get you out of the forest and hidden.” I said when I let him go, before spinning around and beginning to walk in the direction we came.
“Where could we go though George? And what good is there back that way?” my father asked, running to catch up with me.
“Just follow me.” I replied.

Dream’s house was big enough to hide him… I’ll keep him there and the blond demon would never know he was there. Plus I spent a lot of time around the house so I could keep him company while Dream was working. But if my father knew I was taking him to a demon’s house he would definitely not approve.

When we made it back to the road after a long walk my father sent me a look. “We can not stay here. Do you not know what they will do to me if they find me?”
“I know Dad.” I responded as I crossed the road which was still empty. “It is a big house and I can easily keep him distracted. And the demon that lives here likes me enough that he might not tell anyone if he did find you.”
My father let out a slow shaky exhale before nodding and so, with a nod, I began leading him up our driveway before opening the door to the house.
1256 words.

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