Chapter 37: Just wanting to help

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Thank you guys to much for 20k.

I do not deserve this. Please don't argue.

Also. I don't see why Mr Davidson is getting as much hate as he does. He is, after all being hunted down by demons, who released the disease that killed his wife and seperated him from his son. Now he is cautious of Dream because of it and you guys want him dead.

Anyway story.
George POV.

My dad followed me up to his room and when I got there I sat on the bed, he immediately was in front of me holding my shoulders. “Are you okay George?” he asked me, “did that demon hurt you?” as he asked his questions he shook me, as if it may help me answer faster.
“Dream didn’t hurt me. I can assure you that.” I stated.

He looked into my eyes, “why was he holding you in his bed then?”
I rolled my eyes and pushed his arms off of my shoulders, “he was in my bed, I wasn’t in his. The reason he was there was because he made me breakfast in bed.”
“Well why was he holding you down in the bed?”
Was I really about to explain that I am in a relationship with a demon to my father? “Because I was tired and he was hugging me, keeping me calm and warm.” I explained, not that I expected him to understand it.

My father was very closed minded when it came to demons, they were all bad in his opinion, no matter who they were or what they did and did not do. Dream has been shaky in his ways of showing kindness to my father, but even if he gave my dad everything he wanted and was the nicest person (well demon) on the planet, he’d still probably not change his mind.

Still, he nodded. Moving away from me and walking into his wardrobe. My eyes followed him as he disappeared, before reappearing a few minutes later with a backpack. “George… I want you to help me…” he stated, putting the bag down beside me and moving to grab some other stuff from around the room, like small candles that were on shelves, bottles of water, and some food which he must have gotten from the kitchen.

“What do you want help with?” I asked as he began packing everything into the bag, although I think I already knew the answer.
“Help me get out of here George.” he replied, he zipped up the bag and threw it over his shoulder. “That demon who lives here is going to kill us both one day. I don’t plan on sticking around here and waiting for it.”
I stood up to say something but he shushed me, pulling me in for a hug. “You can stay if that’s what you want George. But I don’t want to die here.”

I didn’t know what he wanted me to do and so I asked. “Help me get out of here, just into the treeline out the back of this place. When I am out of sight you can go and I will be out of your life if you want to stay here.” he told me.
“There are thousands of demons out there who will kill you the moment that they see you. It’s safer here than out there.”
“Not to me…” he responded.

After a moment of deciding I nodded, he obviously didn’t like it here, and it would be cruel keeping him here. Plus, if he is gone then hopefully it can just be me and Dream. He may not even manage to create that demon wipeout machine thing, and if he did what guarantee that it will work.

He and I walked back down to the first floor, before heading through to the kitchen and to the glass door which led to the garden. My father went first, opening the door and going down the steps before heading into the gardens. His eyes looked over at each and every window as I followed him out into the garden.

My Dad began running over to the treeline, he was running with more purpose than I ever saw in my life. I followed. Eventually we made it to where we were going to part ways and just stood silently for a few moments, watching each other.

After a couple of moments I glanced back at the mansion which was nearly out of sight. “I guess I’ll be going then. It was nice seeing you and knowing you’re not dead though Dad.” I smiled, before turning around to leave.
Before I could get too far away he grabbed my arm. “Wait George. It isn’t safe for you there. As your father I am telling you to come with me. That demon will hurt you.”

“I am fine.” I told my father. “There is nothing wrong with Dream, he is nice to me… and he has been in my life longer than you have. The two of you have only been squabbling with each other like a pair of children.”
My father raised an eyebrow, “you are choosing to go to a demon, who has murdered humans and taken our peoples homes and jobs. Instead of me, your father who has loved you and cared for you your entire life and is trying to save humanity.”

I let out a shaky breath as I turned to look at him. “Because up until a week ago I thought you were dead. People are all convinced that demons are bad, but Dream hasn’t hurt me at all during the time I have been with him. And if you want to wipe out demons then you can try to do it, but I won’t be helping you. Bye dad.” I pulled my arm from his grip.

“Wait George. What’s that?” my father asked, causing me to turn around again.
“What’s what?” I asked back, tilting my head to the side.
My dad tilted my head and turned it to the side, pointing at the bright red mark Dream left on me last night. No matter how much concealer I added I couldn’t cover it. It almost was like it glowed, just like Dream’s eyes did. But that’s impossible, it’s just some annoying hickey or something he made.

“That bite mark.” My dad examined it but didn’t actually touch it, after what Dream said earlier I was glad that my dad hadn’t touched it. “Did that demon hurt you?”
Am I seriously about to explain that a demon gave me a hickey to my father who has a serious hatred towards demons which he openly shows?
“It’s nothing, Dad. I am fine. Just don’t touch it.”

He nodded and pulled his hand away. My father looked up into my eyes, an angry glare boring into my skull. I sighed and turned to leave again but he yelled. “NO GEORGE! You are my son and I know what is good and not good for you and that demon is not good for you!”
My face screwed up in anger and I pushed my father back. “Actually it’s you! Dream has tried his best to be nice to you! He and I could get killed for helping you but he’s still done it! You are being an asshole!”

He was about to start yelling when there was a growl behind us. The pair of us turned around to see a tall demon with slightly tanned skin, jet black hair, and a mask that covered his eyes. “Hello Dr Davidson… it’s good to see you again.”
I turned to my father. “Dad, who is this?”
“Dad?” the demon looked over to my father, “you have a son and you didn’t introduce me, after all we’ve been through?”

The demon looked over to me and smiled, “I should introduce myself. My name is Corpse, and your father, Dr Richard Davidson, tried to kill me 10 years ago… thankfully all he got was a tube of my blood.”
“I am so sorry about that Corpse… I was just following the orders of my boss… the ex-president…” my father stated.
“Oh that’s fine… I have moved past it. Now I guess all that I have to do is turn you over for the reward money. Both of you will be coming with me.”
1398 words.

Yes, Corpse is the bad guy. Wasn't planning it but figured it would work since Mr Davidson tried to kill him once under someone else's orders.

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