Chapter 85: submitting

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Surprisingly and sadly not as sexual as it sounds.

Focus on the amazing fanart and not the fact that tomorrow is the last chapter.
Sapnap POV.

Skeppy and I kept in pace, making sure to keep a couple of steps away from Dream so we’d have time to dodge him if he tried to attack. Both of us were on all fours, and while it was natural for Skeppy to do this in his second form it wasn’t for me. I usually towered about 6 feet in my second form, but kept low to the ground so that Dream couldn’t knock me off balance.

In the dark halls our glowing eyes were all that gave us enough light to see the other people, that and my body which was coated in bright orange flames. The blond demon looked at both of us as he backed up, he wasn’t feeling fear, he was just not wanting to risk attacking one of us and giving the other a chance to go for George.

From beside me Skeppy gave instructions in demonease, as part of his requirements for being able to study humans he had to ace health class, so he knew a lot about how pregnant demons act too. Dream won’t be focusing on what we were saying as Skeppy told me to speed up or slow down.

The diamond demon seemed to know how Dream was going to react to every move we made, who he was planning on swiping at at any given moment. “Slow down,” Skeppy instructed, and I immediately did. Just in time too, Dream took another swipe at me, guess I had been getting too close.

As I walked slowly over the floors of the hallway the flames dancing around my feet and legs licked at the carpet. Embers occasionally flew off of me in small flecks and landed on the ground, thankfully none of them started fires.

The two of us eventually backed Dream to the door of the bedroom where George was still sleeping. Dream was in the doorway of the room and seemed even more worried and desperate. He was clearly scared that we’d hurt or kill his mate and his unborn child.

We planned to back him into his room and then disappear before he could attack us again. If we left, the blond might decide to stay here with his sleeping mate. That or Dream would chase us again. As long as we got far enough away though, he would return here to George.

Dream lowered himself more, probably ready to pounce at me again. His eyes glowed ferociously a bright vibrant green.. His fangs were barred, his claws were out, he looked feral, like an animal.

Skeppy mirrored the pride demon’s actions, crouching low to the ground. He watched intently to see what Dream would do, but he stayed calm and quiet so he didn’t freak him out. Once again the blond let out a low growl, a way of signaling he was going to attack.

I glanced over at my currently sane friend, silently asking what I should do. My eyes widened when I saw what Skeppy did. He shifted into his human form and lowered his head, shuffling backwards and away from Dream slowly.

It was a sign of submission. Showing that we wouldn’t be a threat. It was a pathetic thing, demons were able to submit during a fight but we are never meant to. Submitting during a fight was considered dishonourable. Demons should always fight until their deaths, but then again Dream no longer seemed interested in Skeppy once he shifted back.

Instead the demon was now glaring at me, and took a step towards me. His eyes flaring up in colour again as he prepared to attack. So I shifted back too. My eyes were hidden by my dark hair falling over my face. I stayed crouching and shuffled back slightly so I was next to Skeppy again and kept my head low.

You could hear Skeppy’s loud, worried breathing, and could probably hear mine too. The pride demon continued to glare at us with his bright green eyes, but he seemed less worried now that we were in our human forms, since we were weaker in these forms.

We continued backing up slowly, and Dream just stayed watching us. Neither of us took our eyes off of him and after a few moments he disappeared into his bedroom. Once he did that Skeppy and I finally stood up, looking at each other as we turned and headed quickly downstairs.

“Don’t you ever tell anyone that I decided to submit to Dream in a fight.” Skeppy growled quietly as we walked towards the door, and I laughed.
“Only if you don’t tell anyone that I followed your lead.” I responded. Skeppy nodded in agreement and we laughed again.

I looked away from my friend to see Quackity running up to us through the hall. “What happened?” he asked, looking from Skeppy to me.
“Nothing.” We both answered quickly, before looking at each other and laughing like a pair of middle school girls.

“We just managed to back him into his room and left.” I stated. Skeppy nodded in agreement before continuing the story.
“Dream must have figured we weren’t going to hurt George so he just let us leave.” Skeppy added, and Quackity just nodded.

“I’d just like to point out that I am not explaining to Karl and Darryl that their best friend is pregnant.” Quackity stated as we walked over to where we had left the cars.
“Well Skeppy and I just fought one of our best friends so don’t expect us to be telling them.” I said.

We reached the truck where Darryl and Karl both were. They were watching us worriedly and  Skeppy ran ahead to open the passenger door where Darryl was sitting. It seemed that he had been crying, and the ravenette pride demon pulled him into a comforting hug.

“Why did Dream attack us?” he asked, and Skeppy sighed as he began to explain to both Darryl and Karl.
“It is a natural thing that demons do…” he stated. “Demons can get men pregnant, and when they do get someone pregnant they get very protective. It’s instinct.”

“So… George is pregnant?” Karl asked cautiously, possibly not sure whether he was right about his guess or not.
I gave a nod. “Yes. George is pregnant. I think that he is going to have a child in June or July,” I added.

“Wait… if demons can get both men and women pregnant… does that mean…” Karl’s eyes widened and face flushed red.
“Calm down,” Quackity reassured, “it is hard for a demon to get a human pregnant.” he looked slightly calmer after that.

“We will explain it more when we get back to our house. If you guys do have any more questions. Okay?” I asked cautiously. Both of the humans nodded and then Skeppy began carrying Darryl over to his Lamborghini. I just felt happy that Karl and Darryl were both safe.
1183 words.

Now if you are sad about the fact that this story is ending tomorrow why not go read Hunger Games.

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