Chapter 35: my human

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Ezra here. Your favourite author has returned.

I have been using the excuse of writing this chapter as a way of getting our of writing 'what if' but it is almost done.

Anyway enjoy.
Dream POV.

I grabbed George gently and pulled him onto my lap, feeling the happiest I’d ever been. He leaned against my chest and tilted his head to the side which I immediately nuzzled into. “You are the best thing that ever happened to me,” I mumbled as I placed a kiss against the soft, pale skin of his neck.
After a moment George mumbled a small ‘you’re the best thing that happened to me too.’

Hearing those words come out of the human’s mouth made me let out a purr, my chest vibrating softly as the noise radiated out of it. George readjusted himself slightly so he was leaning against my chest and could hear my purring clearly. I held him close and rested my chin on top of his head, neither of us focusing on the movie anymore.

“Do you want to stay here?” I asked the human, causing him to lift his head up off of my chest and look at me.
After a moment of consideration he shook his head, and so I stood up, carrying him with me as we walked out of the cinema. George held onto me tightly, his face slightly red at all the looks we got from other demons curious about my loud purring. I didn’t care though, all that mattered to me was my human.

We got to the car and I put him down, since it was difficult to get into the car while holding someone so I climbed into the driver's seat but then looked up to see George going around to the passengers door to sit in his seat. “Where are you going?” I asked, and he spun around to give me a curious look.
“I’m going to sit in my seat… why?” the human asked.
“Why sit there when you can sit on my lap?” I asked back, holding out my arms as an invitation for him to come over to me and after a moment he did.

I let him get comfortable on my lap before shutting the door and starting the car. George’s back was pressed against my chest and my arms went around either side of him and on the wheel, as I started driving. The entire time the roar of the engine drowned out the sound of my purrs, as I drove I placed kisses along the back and side of his neck. He shivered occasionally when my warm breath hit the back of his neck.

Eventually we got home and I parked up the car before carrying the brunette inside, taking him up to the bedroom and laying him down on the bed, before climbing in after him, pulling him close to me and I held him against my chest while he wrapped his legs around me. His lips moved up to meet mine and I held the side of his face.

When I pulled my lips away from him George rested his head on my shoulder, kissing my shoulders and neck gently and I let him, my hands moved around to his waist and I attempted to pull him closer.
“I love you George,” I murmured, causing him to look up at me and smile.

“Please Dream…” he murmured in response, but I wasn’t sure what he was asking for.
“Please what Georgie?” I asked, his eyes meeting mine in the dark room.
“C-can you please… um...” my breath hitched as I realised what he was saying, and my purring grew quiet. He was my human, and if I was going to be with him obviously I wanted to take him as soon as I could… but I wasn’t sure about doing it this soon.

“Are you sure Georgie?” I asked, my hand running up to tangle in his hair.
When I asked him that he took a moment, probably rethinking it, but then his eyes met mine again. “...please.” he mumbled breathily.
I nodded, readjusting our position before laying him down on his back. His head barely rested against the pillow as I climbed on top of him, being careful not to put too much of my weight on him. “I’ll do this but you must tell me to stop if it gets too much okay?”

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