✨Christmas special✨

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A once off fluffy sensation for Christmas.

Ho Ho Ho bitches.
Dream POV.

It was Christmas morning, and I was enjoying it in bed with my mate who was sleeping in my arms. His head was buried into my bare chest and our legs were intertwined as George purred in his sleep.

The mornings were peacefully quiet for us, unlike with Skeppy, Quackity, Sapnap, Karl, and Darryl, who all have younger kids who love the thrill of waking up and opening presents at 5 in the morning. George and I were just lucky that we had one child who was too old to care about opening presents overly early, and a baby who was too young to understand what was going on.

Speaking of our younger son, Ryan was surprisingly quiet, usually he would have cried 2 or 3 times in the night, wanting food or something, but he was sleeping peacefully every time I slipped away to check on him.

So I just smiled as I examined George before hearing the door open. I lifted my gaze to see Richie, watching me while he cradled a sleeping baby in his arms. “Good morning Richie.” I greeted, sitting up slightly as he glanced down occasionally to make sure his baby brother was still sleeping.

“Are you and dad planning on getting up any time soon?” he asked, his green eyes glowing softly a slightly lighter shade than mine.
“We’ll be down in 5 minutes.” I told him, “go grab your presents or feed Ryan or whatever.” I stated, and before Richie left he responded.

“I will, just make sure you wake Dad up and are not naked when you come downstairs.”
Before I could respond he walked away, and I growled before looking down at the brunette who was still sleeping. I leaned down and kissed him softly on the forehead, “Georgie, you need to get up baby.” I cooed softly.

He muttered something incoherent in his sleep and rolled over, causing me to give a small sigh before trying again. I leaned down and began nuzzling into the side of my mate's neck. “George~” I purred, “you need to get up. We have stuff to do.”

The brunette groaned tiredly, before his eyes opened. I gave him a smile as his brown eyes glowed brighter when he saw me. “Hi Dream.” he said and I leaned down to kiss him again.
“Good morning sleepy head.” I responded, “we need to get up.”

He nodded and sat up, and the two of us made our way over to the closet to change. I pulled on some jeans and a green hoodie, however I ended up giving the hoodie to George which he pulled on eagerly. When the two of us changed we headed downstairs, smiling as we looked out the window and saw snow.

The pair of us made our way downstairs and saw Richie sitting in front of the Christmas tree, with Ryan squirming in his arms as the older tried to get his little brother to drink some warm milk. George immediately began telling Richie he was doing it wrong and gently took his baby and began getting Ryan to drink easily.

I gave a smile at the brunette as he got the green eyed baby to drink and then looked at the presents beneath the tree. There were heaps for all 4 of us, plus several for my parents and sister, and all of our friends and their kids too.

The 4 of us gathered up on the couch with me and George practically leaning on each other while he still cradled the baby, and Richie sat on the other side of the couch. For a few minutes we sat in silence, with me and the blond watching us nuzzle into each other while Richie watched us seeming slightly grossed out.

George POV.

"I'm going to keep doing this until someone starts opening presents." Dream stated as he looked at his son who was still extremely disgusted.
Richie scoffed and stood up, walking over to the tree and grabbing one of the presents wrapped in light blue paper.

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