Chapter 30: the human fugitive

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Dream POV.

I let out another yawn as I stretched and sat up. I’d forgotten what it felt like to wake up after falling asleep. The sound of music made my eyes drift up and I saw the end credits rolling of the movie that George had been watching. At the thought of my human I looked over to where he was sitting… but he wasn’t there… The spot where George had been sitting was empty.

When I noticed that I immediately jumped up, pulling my shirt and hoodie back over my body before running into the hallway. “George!” I began calling his name as I looked in his room and began heading downstairs. Please don’t say he ran off… we were doing so well please don’t say he ran off.
I made my way to the front door, it was closed and my eyes scanned out the window and across the front lawn and driveway but there was no sign of him.

Immediately I threw open the door and ran barefoot over to the road… and there he was, walking with a man dressed in rags. The man looked familiar and I let out a snarl when I saw him. It was Dr Richard Davidson, on the country's most wanted list, and he was standing with my human. Every instinct I had was telling me to kill Davidson, but not while my human’s right there, and not while my human was so happy.

“George.” I called his name, causing his attention to turn to me. Immediately he and the other man both paled, and the man looked ready to run.
“Dream…” he replied, stepping in front of Davidson to protect him I guess.
“Don’t worry,” I told the brunette, “I promise I won’t hurt him.” especially not in front of you.

“Is this the demon George?” Davidson asked, turning to the shorter.
“Yeah. This is Dream.” as he said that I stared straight into the eyes of the scientist, he sent a confused glare at me and I sent one back.
“Why are you with him George?” I asked my human.
Suddenly there was a loud growl coming from the forest, all 3 of us looked over to it before Davidson let out a small screech of terror.
“You can be pissed at me later, Dream, for now we have to go inside or he’ll be killed.”

George was stubborn about these kinds of things and I let out a huff before nodding. Even though I wanted to call the authorities I didn’t want my human to be mad at me. I beckoned for the pair to follow me and after they glanced at each other they followed me.

I led them inside and took them to the lounge before getting them both to sit down.
They shifted awkwardly from where they were sitting on the couch, and while George kept his eyes on the ground, Davidson’s were glancing around desperately, probably looking for an escape.

I sent a glare at George. “Explain yourself… now.”
The brunette glanced up at me meekly, and for a moment I felt bad, not wanting my human to be upset.
“I considered leaving…” I almost let out a whine then and there as he said that, “...I walked down to the road and then heard someone running through the forest… it was him.” George gestured over to Dr Davidson. “He told me about his life and I told him about mine… and that's when I realised…”

He stopped talking, probably worried about what I might do when he told me whatever it was that he realised.
“What did you realise, Georgie?” I asked the human in a calm tone.
“I realised that… that…” his voice lowered, “that he’s my father…”
I tilted my head, “he… he’s your father?”
George nodded, and I looked over to Mr Davidson, my human’s father.

I was going to say something… but what could I say? Instead I looked back to George. “Your name is George Davidson?”
The brunette nodded, “I thought you already knew that.”
“Just your first name.”
George’s father finally spoke up. “What are you going to do to me and my son… demon.” he hissed the last word and I suppressed a growl.

“I’m not going to hurt George at all… but you… I’m still undecided.” My eyes glowed brighter as I glared at him, enjoying the way he slunk back a bit.
“Dream!” George looked annoyed.
“George, I'm just being cautious.” I told him, “your father is the most wanted fugitive in the country. If someone finds out he’s here then you, me, him, and a dozen other people who they suspect of helping us will all end up dead. You may not care about your life, or my life but that list would probably include Karl and Darryl…”

When I said that George’s eyes widened. “Are you sure?” he asked cautiously, and I nodded, “I’ve seen it happen to people.”
Both my human and his father let out an audible gasp, but then George nodded meekly, “can we please not decide this today?” he eventually asked, “this day has been long and tiring enough already.”

I nodded before looking over to George’s father, “we can get a room for you to stay in tonight. We’ll decide what to do with you tomorrow.”
After a moment of caution he nodded, not that I would have let him say no. I stood up and helped George up before leading the pair of them up to a room for Mr Davidson to stay in.
I took them up to a room on the third floor. It was from before I owned the house but I never had it removed. There had been a sort of tripwire in front of the door, anyone who stepped over it set off an alarm in my phone.

I held the door open and Mr Davidson stepped inside, sending me an annoyed look as I gave him a forced, but believable, smile. “I hope you have a good night sir and we will see you in the morning… and please don’t leave the room.”
Without waiting for a response I left the room, and shut the door. George opened his mouth to say something but I picked him up and began carrying him downstairs.

We reached his room and I laid him down on the bed, giving him a smile and turning to leave but I spun back around when George let out a sad sniff. “Georgie… what’s wrong?” I asked him, moving back over to the bed and sitting beside him.
“Please Dream… I don’t care what you do, just please don’t turn my father over to the authorities yet… please.”
I pulled him into a hug and held him close, shushing him quietly. “I won’t…” I reassured the human, “I promise you that I won’t.”

I held the human against my chest, calming him down until he eventually fell asleep. I had a lot to think about, and George had a long day, so I will have a while to think about it.
1185 words.

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