Chapter 78: who left scars?

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Yes, Hunger Games is finally here so please check it out after reading both of tonight's chapters for demons.

Also I have finished writing demons and it goes up to chapter 87.

I think you guys will enjoy the ending though.
Karl POV.

My breathing was fast again as they uncuffed my hands. Why they had handcuffs I was unsure, just like I was unsure of when they got them. All I knew was that it was definitely Sapnap who brought it.

Sapnap rubbed my wrists which were red from me tugging on them as he lifted me up. I rested my head tiredly on his chest as the room kept spinning, trying to just focus on his heartbeat to slow my breathing. Quackity fought him for a moment to try and carry me before getting shooed away to get a bath ready.

Once the pride demon ran off Sapnap took my cheek in his hand and brought it up so we were looking into each other’s eyes. “Are you okay Karl?” he asked, his eyes glowing as he watched me cautiously.
“Besides my entire body hurting, I guess so…” I muttered.

“Were the handcuffs essential?” I asked him, looking back at my bright red wrists which had distinctive marks from the cold metal.
“Yes they were.” he replied, taking both of my hands in one of his and beginning to kiss and lick them to make them heal faster. “You look so cute and defenseless with your hands cuffed. It drives me and Quackity crazy.”

With a whine I pulled my arms away and crossed them. He sighed as he sat down with me in the bathtub. I sank into the warm water while still glaring at Sapnap. Quackity was opposite us in the bathtub and leaned forward to begin scrubbing shampoo into my hair.

The pride demon noted my expression and my pose and tilted his head to the side. “What are you so grumpy for, baby?” he asked, cupping my cheek gently with one hand and continuing to wash my hair with the other.
“Sapnap was mean.” I muttered, and Quackity smirked.

“Sapnap was mean to you?” he asked, and I nodded. Quackity put the soap down and opened his arms to me, so I weakly crawled over to him in the water. “I won’t be mean to you like Sapnap was.” he cooed, cradling me in his arms as he glared at the wrath demon.

I listened to him purr as he continued to clean me, covering my entire body with soap to wash away all the mess from what had just happened. Actually that was a lie. He didn’t clean my neck, he just made more of a mess with it, adding more bright colours and extracting high pitched whines from me.

Once I was clean and dry and Quackity had put fresh clothes on me he laid me down in the bed and climbed next to me, kissing my lips softly. He rested his head on my chest at an angle so he could continue to mark my collarbone and neck.

It had probably been only 3 or 4 hours since I woke up and I was already tired again. It sucked that I had 2 demons with an incredibly high sex drive since I doubt I could ever use my legs again, but at least they gave lots of cuddles and took care of me after.

I looked over at Sapnap who was just putting on a pair of sweatpants before walking over to us and I noticed that his chest was covered in scars that looked recent. “What happened?” I asked, watching him as he climbed under the covers beside me.

“What are you talking about Karl?” he asked. I pointed at his chest and began tracing the faint lines of the scars. All 3 of us watched my finger move across his chest before I looked back up to meet his eyes.
“What happened?” I asked again. My voice was a quiet whisper, although I wasn’t sure if it was from my worry or because of how sore it was after I got fucked just before.

He leaned forward and kissed my forehead gently. “It’s nothing baby I promise,” he muttered, beginning to release his scent to try and calm me.
“No it’s not nothing.” I replied, pushing him back gently so the burning wood and roasted marshmallows wouldn’t make me relax and forget about the scars. “How did you get those scars Sapnap?”

“Fine. I got into a fight, is that what you wanted to know Karl?” He seemed stressed out but sighed once he finished and pulled me into a hug. Sapnap rested his head on my shoulder and took a deep breath.
“Why did you get into a fight?” I asked, feeling extremely worried.

“Calm down, it’s fine. Plus I didn’t start the fight and both of us left pretty unharmed.” Sapnap stated, and I could tell he was hiding something from me.
“Who did you get into a fight with?” I asked him, and he just let out a gulp. I turned to look at Quackity. “Do you know who?”

The pride demon stayed silent and I looked back to Sapnap again. "Please… who?"

Sapnap POV.

God Karl. I hate how easy his cute, innocent face with his beautiful eyes and fluffy hair could manipulate me so easily. I looked at Quackity who shook his head but I ignored him. With a sighI looked back at the human. "It was Dream." I stated.

Karl looked confused so I continued. "While you were asleep this morning I went to do something for Dream and must have made him feel worried about George. Probably was worried that I would hurt him, and so Dream attacked me."
Karl was listening during my entire explanation. "After a minute he backed off and neither of us were too badly hurt so that is good."

The human opened his mouth to say something but I ignored him as I pulled him down and into a warm embrace. His legs were still weak but wrapped around my waist as his arms rested between our chests. My hands moved to hold him close to me on his back.

Quackity came up from behind and wrapped his hands around Karl's torso, just below mine. The pride demon continued nuzzling and purring against Karl as he spooned him. Karl's head tilted to the side to give Quackity more room to nuzzle but that distraction didn't work for long.

"Why did Dream attack you? You would never hurt George. Y-you wouldn't." He looked worried, maybe he thought that I actually would hurt George. But I wouldn't. I swear I wouldn't. I knew what Karl would think of me if I did.
"Dream has just been getting more protective over him. It happens." I shrugged it off, but I could tell Karl still didn't completely buy it.

“Will I be able to see George soon? I think that I might be able to get him to convince Dream to not be mad at you…”
I sighed. Pulling the human impossibly closer to kiss his forehead again. “That’s sweet of you Karl. But I think it might be hard for you to see Dream and George for a while.”
1221 words.

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