Message from beyond

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Jasitcha laid in her male's bed while looking at the medical incubator that was moved into their room.
It had been almost a week since she met the bizzare unique pup.
She carefully watched her pup breath at a steady rythem, she watched her chest move up and down like each breath could be her last at any moment.
The huntress was dreading for the surgery, she was worried her premature child could die at the moment when her chest cavity is cut open for her new lungs.

What also was concerning was her mate's sudden disownment of his father.
Did the two had a fight?
But if so there were no battle wounds and why won't her mate tell her what happened?

She looked down to her Ra'kar who wrapped his arms around her waist while slumbering.
He purred as she moved more into his warmth.
Females are known for their size, brute strength and more dominant to the males but they always had a tender side of them.
They do honour their life mates and children, to them they are more worthy than trophies or slaying a serpent queen.

Jasitcha turned her head to the sliding doors when she heard the healer walking in towards her.
He bowed to her then looked at the Ooman pup that slumbered peacefully.
"It is time for her sugery Huntress. Are you and your mate ready the procedure?"
Jasitcha shook her mate awake, she looked at him while giving him a node.
Ra'kar already knew what today was and he wasn't too sure about it.

"What do you want us to do?"
Ra'kar said while sitting up and limped towards the incubator.
He needed to see her in case she never returned to him.
"Ra'kar since you chosen to be her lungs than you must bring her to the medical bay. Huntress since the pup is female she will mostly need your blood but along with Ra'kar's."

Binding the blood to the child was not only medically but mainly for a bond binding tradition.
In yautja traditions an orphan can be adopted by a blood ritual by combining the parents blood to the pup.
The pup will have it's remaining blood to honour their latest parents but having the new blood will declare you are family and will be treated as family.
No pup will be treated different no matter where their from or who their parents were.

The parents nodded as they started to walk towards the med bay, both pushed the incubator while not taking their eyes off the infant.
They were unsure that the child would even survive the procedure but what other choice do they have?
She needed to breath their atmosphere and this was the only way to do so.

As they reached the med bay a female healer took Jasitcha aside to take her blood.
Ra'kar felt more nervous then he ever been, knowing his mate was with a healer made Alari's surgery drew closer.
He sighed as he laid on the sugerical table, he looked up to the lights that shined down onto him.
He knew he prayed many times to Paya but now he only hopes more that the great hunter would hear his pray once again.

"It's time..."

Ra'kar nodded the healer's voice as he felt a shot of liquid going into his arm, it stung but that didn't matter.
He looked at Alari one more time while his sight was fading into darkness.
"I'll be with you when you wake up my pup, show us you are a true yautja."
With that, he was in a deep sleep ready to give his daughter the gift of breathing.

Warmth was felt during his sleep.

Despair but also hope in his soul

He wanted nothing more than to sleep away in peace with nothing but the darkness.

The peace was broken by a sudden light next to the sleeping hunter.


Ra'kar stirred at the unfamiliar but yet still familiar some how. It was deep, old and ancient but wise.
His whole core shuddered to sumbit to the higher being but who was talking to him?

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