Questions and names

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Light-stepper watched the horizon of the cave through the small hole.
No sign of life, no sound of wondering souls, just the sound of crickets and the full moon shining on their cave.

He calmly looked down to his arms, he cradled his new adopted granddraughter carefully.
Her weight and size concerned him deeply.
She was so small, she was an Ooman pup of course but shouldn't they be bigger than his clawed hand?

"We will get our ship medic to look at you when the clan arrives, little one."
He purred at the bundle to sooth her whimpers as the night air begun to cool the cave.

In his blind spot he noticed Ra'kar was staring at him, he seemed concerened when his little one begun to whimper.
First time parents are always worried for their new borns.
There was so much to be concerned about the infant but it seemed Ra'kar forgot he had a near 250 year old experienced father with him.
Light-stepper chuckled, he shook his head and waved at him.

"She's fine son, she's just getting comfortable."

"But can I have her back, father? She needs me."

"Right now, she dosen't. What she needs is her Apa to be fully rested for tomorrow. I've raised many pups Ra'kar, I'm sure I can handle a suckling for one night."

'Apa...i am her Apa'
That gave him pride, knowing one day his pup will learn their language and he couldn't wait to hear her call him that.
But right now he was still injured and he needed to recover for his pup's sake. The last thing he wanted is his daughter having a lame father to guide her.

Then again he has a respecting father who is a cripple and gained honours from his clan and even other warriors from different tribes.
His name was spread after his right of passage and the trophies he earned during many hunts.
'One-hand Light-stepper' the youngest leader of his clan in Yautja history.
That name always inspired him to make a difference and yet he ended up as 'Ra'kar the gentle giant'.

Name? A name! His Ooman daughter needed a name but by Paya, what could he call her?
He looked at the slumbering pup and tried to think of something, something that is catching and shows her spirit.


How about Yeyin for 'Brave?' No, too much of a male name.
N'ritja is a good female name but would 'Dance' be a appropriate name for her?
Well, Light-Stepper did find her in the 'night' maybe 'Guan' would work but yet, it dosen't suit her at all.

Ra'kar sighed, he rests his head on the fur bed and looked at the cave ceiling.
Naming his pup was important for any parent, her name will be recongised while earning her rank but what is it?!
Ra'kar looked out to the night sky, he tapped his chest during his thoughts but then noticed a swift comet flying through stars.
Then it hit him like a punch in the gut.
He looked at his pup and back to the stars again, he found the perfect name.


"What was that, Ra'kar?"

"Alari, I want to name my daughter, Alari."

Light-stepper looked up to the night sky than back to the pup.
He purred as she opened her eyes while yawning and falls back to sleep.
He saw her eyes gleaming from the moonlight, they shined like the blaster gems they use for their blasters.
Her name was a step closer to being a full huntress.
"Yes, I agree. She is like a gift from the stars and her eyes shine towards the moonlight."

The leader sighed as he fiddled with the pup's blanket of fur and saw the protective gaze of the yautja warrior.
"Your not going to sleep without her, are you?
Ra'kar gruffed in agreement, looks like Ra'kar was getting his way...again.

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