The Battle for Mortis

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Anakin's POV:

I ran through the halls of the Jedi Temple, rushing past startled knights and padawans. I ran up the stairs to the roof where a portal appeared in front of me, I walked through and I entered a cellar-looking room where the Father, Daughter, and the Son were.

"What happened?"

Sidious has managed to invade Mortis and is set on ruling it

The Father told me, a hint of worry in his voice.

"What can we do?"

Nothing, the Daughter said, hanging her head.

"Yes, there is always something we can do!"

Follow me

So I followed the Father to a pedestal with a lightsaber on it.

This is the White Saber, only the chosen one can ignite it.

I walked to it, and sure enough, the blade ignited as soon as I touched it.

"Let's go get this son of a gungark,"

We walked out of the door of the monastery and I saw the whole of Mortis was up in flames.

"Ah, Skywalker, I was wondering when you would show up,"

"Sidious, as hideous as ever,"

I heard the Son snort from behind me and smirked.

Sidious lunged at me.

I ignited both my sabers.

Blue and white met red.

I knew, I was fighting for my life, and this was a fight only I would fight.

I used the force to create a portal behind the One's.


I yelled at them.

We won't leave you

"You have to," I told the Daughter.

I force pushed them and I saw the Jedi council, Ahsoka, Padme, and Rex there.

I nodded to them, and let the flames engulf me as I fought Sidious.

I blocked and slashed at Sidious until time seemed to slow down and I struck Sidious in his chest.

"You..will never...withstand...the...Dark Side."

I pulled the fire to me and blasted it at Sidious.

"I already have,"

I whispered to him and he died.

I sank into the force and felt the flames around me engulf me in heat.

A Chosen One shall come, born of no father, and through him will ultimate balance in the Force be restored.

A voice said in my head,

Welcome home son.

And I joined my father, the Force, in the netherworld.

Ahsoka's POV:

I saw Skyguy nod and then become consumed by flames.

The portal closed.

Seconds later, I felt my bond with him break.

I let the tears fall down my face, but I also noticed the Force was in balance.

"He did it,"

I mumbled.

"He did it!"

I said louder.

I could hear the cheers throughout the temple.

I say a whirl of smoke in the middle of the room made us freeze.

I formed into a person, a rather familiar person.

"Hey, Snips!"

"I thought you died!" I yelled hitting him.

He shrieked and then began laughing.

We walked out the room to see a flood of Jedi and clones cheering, when they saw Anakin, the 501st pulled him into what could have been the biggest group hug in the galaxy.

Padme walked over to him, they both smiled and kissed.

"The war is over," Anakin muttered

"We don't have to hide anymore." Padme finished.

"SKYWALKER!!!" Mace shouted.

Anakin and Padme froze.

"Congratulations on becoming a father." Windu finished, smirking at Anakin and Padme's shocked expressions.

"Can we be uncles, General?" asked Fives excitedly, the 501st all nodding eggerly.

"O-of course, boys,"

He was met with cheers from the troops.

"You too Obi-wan and Snips,"

I squealed with delight while Obi-wan was grinning.

"And also earning the rank of Master," Windu finished.

Anakin was frozen as Padme hugged him, now revealing a pregnancy bumb.

"Well done, Ani,"

"Thank you Angel."

Anakin turned to the cheering Jedi and yelled;




Hey guys!

Its finished!

May The Force Be With You!

-Skywalker out!

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