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Day 364

It wasn’t the monotonous ring to his voice, it wasn’t the constant ticking on the wall’s clock, and it surely wasn’t the single water droplets dripping from the faucet; it was the light shining inside making the dust particles visible floating around in my now vacant room that made me feel like I would miss this place. The place where I had grown into a whole new person with the realization that life is too precious to throw away. I wouldn’t want to live in a world where the unnoticeable things really go unnoticed.

I turned to head toward the main hall, my ride was awaiting, and my counselor had stopped me in my tracks.

“I’d like for you to step in my office, please,” she seemed excited unlike other days she seemed like she would go through the same moronic activities, light is what I saw in her eyes.

I didn’t want to be rude by asking if we could speed this up because there was someone waiting for me outside to take me home so I complied and walked into her office and placing my bags down while I sat down in the wooden chair in front her glass desk. The chair didn’t compliment the room but it gave the room a homey feeling for patients to feel as comfortable as possible. It worked for me.

“So, tell me, what are your plans now?” She sat on her spin chair and folded her hands on the desk, waiting for an answer as I frantically searched for one.

“Well…I would start by getting a job…” it was more of a question than an answer, I wasn’t one hundred percent completely sure what my plans were but I knew that I wanted to get out of here.

“A job where?” the tone of her voice didn’t match the smile on her face or the way her lips curved and the way the light reflected off her eyes, she sounded accusing.

“Anywhere would be fine,” I wanted to continue but I wasn’t sure what would be appropriate to say next but she cut in before the silence became too long.

“There are many job opportunities here in London, what about continuing your education?”  She began taking stacks of papers out from underneath the desk, piles and piles of manila folders.

“Well, I would be going back to New York,” I was definitely not planning on staying in London; from my past experiences I’ve been clearly warned that London is not the place for me.

“New York also has plenty of job opportunities,” she handed me two manila folders, “I want you to look through these, email me which ones interest you and we’ll go from there,” she finished with a smile and I wasn’t positive at what just happened.

“What is this?”

“They’re open available jobs in New York City, I have connections to most of these and with your progress here, I’m one hundred percent positive that these employers would be gladly to call you for an interview,”

“I don’t know what to say,” I couldn’t believe that this opportunity was opening up so easily and I was ready for it to shut down as quickly as it opened.

“Don’t say anything. Open them, look at them, list which ones you’d like and e-mail me; that simple,”

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