25 ► The Secret Admirer

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James sat at the Gryffindor table, eating breakfast and secretly glancing over at the Ravenclaw table. He was waiting for the mail to arrive, and he knew that something very special was going to be delivered to Kristen. He knew it because he had been the one to send it. She would be receiving a note from a secret admirer that morning.

Last week he had talked to Kailey, Samantha, and Kim. It was kind of weird having her friends try and get them together when Kristen still had no idea what was going on, but he didn't care. He wanted something to happen, even if it would annoy Andrew. It had been a month since New Years, and his feelings for Kristen had only grown. So James decided it was time to put a plan into action before someone else did.

It had been Kailey who suggested the idea to write secret admirer notes. He thought that was a good idea, because Kristen would know how he felt without knowing who he was. This also prevented Andrew from becoming even more pissed at him, because Kristen wouldn't even know who was writing the notes. As for the notes themselves, they would contain love quotes from famous muggle authors. He hoped his plan would work.

Soon the owls came flying in. He recognized the one carrying his note almost immediately. He had borrowed his Uncle Charlie's owl. The reason he had done this was because he didn't want anyone recognizing the owl and figuring out it was his. He had decided to go with Uncle Charlie's owl because Uncle Charlie had no kids so the owl never made the trip to Hogwarts. It had never been seen by the majority of the kids in the hall.

On the other side of the Great Hall, Kristen saw a light brown owl with black flecks come flying towards her. She didn't recognize the owl but was quite curious to see who it was from and what it was carrying.

"Who did you get an owl from?" Samantha asked as the owl landed.

"I honestly have no idea," Kristen replied.

"It has a note attached to its leg. Open it up and maybe it will say who it is from," Kim replied.

Kristen carefully untied the note from the owl and read the note out loud: "'If you live to be one hundred, I want to live to be one hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you'-A.A. Milne."

Kristen felt her heart melt at this. It was so sweet. Never before had someone sent her a secret admirer note before. She felt quite honored.

"Who is A.A. Milne? I don't believe I've ever heard of him? Does your admirer even go to this school?" Kailey asked.

Kristen laughed at this. She read a lot more muggle books than her friends did, so of course they wouldn't know what the note was talking about.

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