13 ► Quidditch Tryouts

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Kristen stood on the quidditch pitch, the remaining members of her team from the previous year behind her, facing the group of people who wanted to join her team. Over the past couple of years, she had found that tryouts were her least favorite part of the year. So many people were cut, and she hated having the rejected people mad at her.

“I will be sticking with the people who remain from the team last year. This means that I will only be looking for one chaser and two beaters. If you do not wish to try out for one of those two positions, you can leave or sit in the stands,” Kristen continued.

A couple of people left after that. Now there were only about twenty people standing before her.

“I just want to say that I’m glad you’re all here. I know we didn’t exactly end last season well. Gryffindor may have beat us but I don’t think it was a game they were proud of,” Kristen stated, “We’ve won eleven out of the twelve games we’ve played against them in the past six years. For some of us, this is our last year before we leave Hogwarts. I know that I’m not going to end this year like I did last year. This year is not going to be easy. I will work you hard, and hopefully we will do amazing. We are going to kick ass at quidditch.”

Cheering followed Kristen’s speech. Everyone standing on that pitch, whether they were going to make the team or not, was determined to win. They had created a new reputation for their house in the past six years. No way was Gryffindor going to strip that reputation from them.

“Let’s start with the chasers,” Kristen finished, “We’ll tryout the beaters after that.”


“Thank you all for coming,” Kristen stated, “Results will be posted in the common room tomorrow morning.”

As everyone left, the remaining members of the team sat down on the bleachers to make their decisions.

“I think Savannah Wood should be the other chaser,” Rose stated, “She was really good.”

“Yeah, and she worked really well with Rose and I during tryouts,” Jason agreed.

“I think she’d make a great addition to our team, but you know everyone is going to be calling favoritism,” Kristen stated, “After all, she is only a third year and my sister.”

“Kristen, every year people call favoritism no matter what,” Kailey pointed out.

“Kailey makes a good point; no matter who you pick, someone is going to be going on about favoritism,” Jason said, “It will all go away once everyone sees how she can play.”

Everyone nodded.

“Now on to the beaters,” Kailey said, “How about that sixth year that almost took your head off, Kristen? I believe his name was Tom Burke?”

“I thought he was pretty good. He hit the target almost every time,” Rose replied.

“I also think that Lorcan guy was pretty good,” Kristen said.

“Personally, I think that Tom and Lorcan would be great beaters. They were very good individually but even better when they worked together,” Jason stated.

“They were quite a bit better than everyone else,” Kailey agreed.

“So are we all in agreement? Savannah Wood will be our new chaser and Tom Burke and Lorcan Scamander will be our new beaters?” Kristen asked.

Everyone nodded in agreement. It was going to be a good year, Kristen could already tell. Ravenclaw was going to win that cup back and prove to everyone how awesome they truly were.


“Alright everyone, we’re going to begin now,” James started, as all the people wanting to join the Gryffindor quidditch team gathered around him, “Anyone who is not from Gryffindor house, please leave. I know you all love me, but I must ask you to leave. Also, the only position we’re needing a new person for is for a beater. I will be keeping the rest of my team from last year. If you are not interested in playing beater, you may leave or sit in the stands.”

He waited a few minutes as the majority of the people left. Once everyone had left, there were about five people.

“We won the cup last year. By no means was that our shining moment. This year, we are going to defeat Ravenclaw without knocking out eleven people in the process. It will be hard work but hopefully we’ll actually be able to defeat the bookworms. Now everyone get in the air and do a few laps around the pitch,” James explained.


“That was a really good tryout;” James said proudly, “Results will be posted tomorrow morning.”

Everyone left as the remaining members of the team began to discuss who the beater should be.

“Personally, I think that Lily was the best out of all of them,” Albus stated.

“She’s your sister!” Taylor exclaimed.

“People will be calling favoritism,” Andrew stated, “Half the team would be related to the captain and the other half would be good friends of his. People are going to be pissed.”

“The Ravenclaw results were posted this morning. Apparently, Savannah is now on the team. Hopefully, people will be too busy calling favoritism on that to notice us,” James said.

“That’s crap mate,” Fred argued, “You are James Potter. People are definitely going to notice.”

“I think that Rachel should be the other beater,” Jessica said.

“She is pretty hot.”

This earned Fred a glare from Jessica.

“She’s really good. I’d say she was as good as Lily. Besides, if Lily didn’t make it this year, she still has four more years to play. This is Rachel’s last chance,” Taylor stated.

“I thought you two hated Rachel?” James asked.

“We don’t exactly hate her; she can just be a bit annoying at times,” Jessica replied, “However, we’re the only ones who have to share a dorm with her. Trust me, if she doesn’t get on the team, she will be bitching for weeks.”

“I’m not putting someone on the team just so you two won’t be annoyed by her.”

“You’re just putting someone on the team because she’s your sister,” Andrew pointed out.

“Kristen did the same bloody thing.”

“Since when do you try to do things exactly like my sister does? I thought you wanted nothing less than to be like her.”

James’s face turned red in anger as he glared at Andrew. How dare he compare James Potter to the annoying Kristen Wood?

“How about we take a vote,” Albus suggested, “All in favor of Rachel, raise your hand.”

Jessica, Taylor, and Andrew raised their hands.

“All in favor of Lily, raise your hand.”

This time, Albus, James, and Fred raised their hand.

“Notice how the only people who raised their hands are related to her,” Taylor murmured in Andrew’s ear.

“It’s a tie,” Jessica stated.

“Actually it’s not,” James corrected, “I’m captain and I technically don’t even need your opinions on who I should put on the team. However, I’m a nice person, so I let everyone vote. Being captain, though, I get the final say if it is a tie. Seeing that it is, it has been decided that Lily Potter is the new Gryffindor beater.”

He turned around and started to walk away, Albus and Fred following close behind him. Jessica, Taylor, and Andrew stood there shocked and angry, shouting one thing simultaneously, “That’s bullshit!”


Four updates in one night. Hah~ ain't bad if I say so myself. I hope you guys enjoy this. ^^


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