37 ► The Quidditch Cup

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The day of the big game had finally arrived. All the students, professors, and a lot of other members of the Wizarding world had been anxiously waiting for this day ever since the catastrophe of the last quidditch cup game. It was sure to be intense and a very good match of quidditch. Both teams were itching to get their fingers on the cup. Gryffindor wanted to show that they could win without playing unfairly. Ravenclaw wanted to get the cup back after losing it last year.

"For most of us sitting here, this is our last game of quidditch we will play as a member of Gryffindor house. In less than a month, we graduate. This is our last chance to prove how good we really are," James said, talking to his team as everyone was preparing to take the pitch, "Ravenclaw is good, there is no denying that. They have beaten us in every game we played, except for the disaster of last year. However, we can change that. Yes, we're the underdog in this game, but that doesn't mean we don't stand a chance.

"I've known all of you for at least seven years. I have watched you all become fantastic people and quidditch players. We are good enough that scouts have come to watch us. I've already been chosen for a team, and I'm sure by the end of the day, at least one other of you will. Each and every one of you kicks ass at this sport, otherwise you would not be on the team. Taylor, we need you to save as many goals as possible. Make sure that they don't get up by more than one hundred and fifty. Jessica, we need you to catch that snitch as soon as possible. If we can do that, then we can win this game. Let's go Gryffindor!"

Meanwhile in the Ravenclaw locker room, Kristen was having a similar conversation with her team.

"We're good, but so is Gryffindor. They are definitely capable of beating us. We have to work extra hard if we want to win. This is our last chance for the cup, at least for Kailey, Jason, and I. This is our last year of being on this team," Kristen said, "If I had to pick one thing I'm going to miss about Hogwarts, it will probably be quidditch. I have been blessed to have been able to play such an awesome sport with such amazing people. Let's prove once and for all that just because you're smart, doesn't mean you can't play a fabulous game of quidditch."

The speeches had been made. Both teams stood more determined then they had ever been. This game was definitely going to be one to remember; there was no doubt about it.

"First we have the Gryffindor team! Potter, Potter, Wood, Finnegan, Thomas, Weasley, and Potter!" Alyssa announced.

This was greeted with a thunderous applause from the section draped in red and gold. They were desperately wanting their team to win.

"Now we have the Ravenclaw team! Wood, Neilson, Scamander, Burke, Weasley, Carter, and Wood!" Alyssa continued.

The applause from the Ravenclaw section was just as thunderous as the Gryffindor's were. Overall, the stand was split half and half. No matter what the outcome of the game was, there was going to be thousands of people extremely happy and thousands of people extremely pissed off.

Everyone watched as the players kicked off the ground and the bludgers, quaffle, and snitch were released.

"The game has begun!" Alyssa exclaimed, "Ravenclaw has possession! Savannah passes to Jason who passes to Rose who passes back to Savannah who shoots! Taylor barely makes the save! Gryffindor now has the quaffle! Albus passes to Andrew who passes back to Albus who passes to James who shoots! Kristen makes the save!"

This kind of action continued for fifteen minutes. Neither of the teams was able to score any goals. Both of the keepers were extremely determined not to let any goals in. If they wanted a chance at winning, they had to keep as much out as possible.

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