22 ► Christmas At The Weasley's

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“So Fred, I heard you got a girlfriend,” Bill Weasley stated, “Who is she?”

It was Christmas Day and the entire Weasley family was having dinner at the burrow, all in their Weasley sweaters that Molly continued to make over the years.

“Her name is Jessica Thomas,” Fred replied.

“Dean’s daughter?” Ron asked.

Fred nodded.

“I can’t believe my son has finally settled down,” George said, “I never thought it would happen.”

“Now if only James would settle down as well,” Ginny sighed.

“I’m right here you know,” James mumbled.

“All he ever does is snog a bunch of bimbos in broom closets!”

“Who the hell do you have spying on me, mum?”

He turned to face his brother and sister, the two most likely suspects. Albus just looked normal while Lily was smirking. She was definitely the spy.

“You’re spying on me for mum?” James asked angrily.

“As a matter of fact, I am,” Lily replied, standing her ground, “It’s a good source of money.”

He turned back to face his mum.

“Well, if your spy was actually accurate, you would know that I haven’t been snogging anybody in broom closets for a while,” James stated.

“He’s telling the truth,” Louis said.

“What has caused you to stop snogging in broom closets?” Harry asked, “Do you have yourself a secret girlfriend?”

“He wishes he does,” Fred mumbled.

“What was that, Fred?” his mum, Angelina, asked.

“I believe he said, ‘he wishes he does’, “Fred’s little sister Roxanne replied.

“So James, who is this girl that has sparked your interest?” Percy asked.

This received quite a few glances between the other members of the family, for Percy never usually talked about interesting things like this. However, no one said anything, desperately wanting to continue on the conversation.

“It is none of your business!” James exclaimed.

“We could always slip him some veritiserum,” Ron whispered to Hermione, earning him a slap on the arm.

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