18 ► The Broom Closet

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It was Friday afternoon of the week before exams started. In a week, all of the exams would be over and Winter break would begin. They would have three weeks to have tons of fun, see family, and relax. It was something that everyone needed.

“Do you guys think you’re ready for final exams?” Samantha asked.

“I think so,” Kristen replied, “I’m definitely going to study more though, just in case.”

“Yeah, it’s better to be safe than sorry,” Kim agreed.

“We all have to definitely see each other over Winter break,” Kailey stated, changing the topic to something that was actually interesting to discuss.

“Well, once again my family is holding our annual New Years Eve party. You three are invited, of course. We’ll at least see each other then,” Kristen replied.

“That party is always so much fun!” Samantha exclaimed.

They were passing a broom closet when suddenly they heard sounds coming from inside it.

“I better take care of this,” Kristen stated, “I’ll meet you three back in the common room when I’m all done.”

“Alright, good luck Kristen,” Kailey said, before walking away with Samantha and Kim.

Kristen took a deep breath. This was Kristen’s least favorite part about being a prefect. It was her obligation to remove people from broom closets and give them detention. Luckily, most of the time they still had most of their clothes on when she found them. A lot of people at Hogwarts might be slags, but at least they had some class. Most people wouldn’t go all the way in a broom closet.

Kristen opened the door to see two people, half dressed, and sucking on each other’s face. Kristen gasped, realizing who the people are.

“Haven’t you heard of privacy?” the girl, a notorious fifth year Hufflepuff slag, asked.

“Well, I’m a prefect so it is my obligation to remove people from broom closets,” Kristen replied, “Also, considering you’re trying to shag my boyfriend, I think I have the right to interrupt.”

She heard Joey mumble some swear word under his breath, realizing who had found him. He stood up and faced her. He wasn’t wearing a shirt and his pants were unbuttoned.

“The two of you will be receiving detention,” Kristen said, trying to keep her voice from shaking.

She was so angry. She had thought that Joey had understood and was OK with the fact that she didn’t want to go as far as he wanted her to. Obviously that hadn’t been the case.

“What the hell is that for?” Joey asked, angry, “You have no right to do that!”

“Actually, since I’m a prefect, I do,” Kristen replied, “You will now have two detentions Joseph for arguing with a prefect.”

Before Kristen turned around, she saw him cringe at the sound of his real name. It served him right. She started to walk away when he heard her call from behind her.

“I never fancied you!” Joey called.

She turned around slowly, now glaring at him.

“Excuse me?” she asked, itching to punish him even further.

“I never fancied you,” Joey repeated, “I was dared to see if I could get in your pants because everyone else was too disgusted to try. Why would anyone ever fancy you? You’re the ugliest person to ever walk these halls!”

From in the broom closet, Kristen heard Alexis laugh but she didn’t care. She was totally focused on what Joey was saying to her.

“Also, Kristen, has anyone ever mentioned how fat you are?” he continued, “I honestly have no idea how you’re able to stay up on a broom. I wouldn’t be surprised if it just snapped because of your weight. You really shouldn’t eat so much!”

Once again that annoying laugh came from the broom closet. Kristen was just about ready to hex that bitch. However, the terrible things that Joey was saying to her had her way too preoccupied to even think about doing anything other than listening.

“I was doing you a favor, Kristen. I gave you the opportunity to lose your V card and you just threw it away. I guess you’ll just have to remain an ugly, fat virgin forever. I gave you a golden opportunity out of the goodness of my heart so that you had a chance to change that but you turned me down! I hope you like cats, because you’re going to be a crazy cat lady with no friends, bitch! The only reason you have friends now is because you’re brother threatens people to be nice with you! If he didn’t, you would be alone, because no one wants to be friends with someone like you.

“So give me a detention, bitch. Give me all the detentions you want. That’s not going to change the fact that you’re going to die alone, because no one is going to be friends with you on their own free will.”

Kristen stood their stunned. She had known Joey for years and never had she thought he was capable of saying things so mean. Kristen wanted to cry, but that wasn’t the type of person she was. She was going to stay strong. Otherwise, Joey would think he won and Kristen was not going to let that happen.

“Fuck you,” she said, before turning around.

“Come back here, bitch!” Joey shouted, “I’m not done talking to you!”

Kristen ignored him. He didn’t deserve any more of her time. Instead, she proudly raised her hand above her head and stuck up her middle finger, gaining applause from the small crowd that had formed around them. This is what he deserved.


Note: Isn't Kristen just so badass? XD

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