8 ► Trying to Stay Strong

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Trying to Stay Strong

As the days tick by, everyone gets even more worried that there are still two unconscious quidditch players in the hospital wing.


Chapter 8

Tuesday and Wednesday passed without Kristen waking up. This greatly worried everyone. Andrew, Savannah, and her parents were extremely scared she would never wake up. Tyler was terrified he’d end up going to Azkaban for accidental murder. James was afraid that he would no longer have someone to compete against. He couldn’t imagine his life without a rivalry with Kristen.

Kristen was not alone in the hospital wing though. Albus was still unconscious as well. This caused even more people to be worried. James and Lily found that they couldn’t concentrate because their mind would start drifting to Albus lying there in the hospital wing, possibly never waking up again. Harry and Ginny were just as restless in their daily lives. Nothing would be the same unless Kristen and Albus woke up soon.

Andrew sat in the hospital wing next to Kristen’s bed. Lately, he’d spent tons of time there. The only time he wasn’t in there was when he it was closed or when he was in class. He had even taken to eating lunch in the hospital wing, much to Madame Pomphrey’s dismay. Currently, he had a free period, and decided to spend even more time in the hospital wing, hoping that he would be there when his sister woke up.

“Andrew?” he heard a voice asked.

Surprised, he quickly looked down, hoping it had been Kristen who had spoken. However, she lie as still and unconscious as she had been moments before. His face fell. Looking around the room, he now saw the green eyes of Albus Potter staring at him. Andrew stood up and walked to Albus’s bed, sitting at the foot of it.

“Hi Albus,” Andrew stated, trying to sound happier then he was, “It’s a good thing you’re awake. We were getting worried about you.”

“Worried about me? There were nine other people knocked unconscious before I was, including you,” Albus replied, looking around the hospital wing, “Where is everyone? It seems really empty in here.”

“Most of the people have already woken up. Albus, you’ve been unconscious for twelve days.”

Albus’s eyes went wide. He hadn’t expected to be unconscious for nearly that long. Exams started in four days. He only had four days to learn almost two weeks of material and review the rest. It was not going to be very fun. Thank Merlin he didn’t take OWLs until next year.

“You said most people have already woken up,” Albus noticed, “Does that mean that there is still someone unconscious?”

“Kristen’s still unconscious,” Andrew mumbled, looking at her bed.

“I’m sorry. She was the first one out and had nothing to do with everything. If anyone is still unconscious, it should be one of the beaters, who really deserve it.”

“Your brother deserves it to. Turns out he told Fred and Tyler to hit my sister and her team on the head with bludgers. Don’t I have just a wonderful friend?”

Albus wished he could say that he was surprised, but he wasn’t. James had always been kind of stupid. Only he would be stupid enough to think that purposely sending bludgers at people’s heads was a smart thing to do.

“I’m sorry, my brother is such an idiot,” Albus stated, “When you see him can you tell him and Lily, can you tell them to come up here?"

“Will do,” Andrew replied, picking up his things, “Well, I have to go to class. I really am glad that you’re awake. One less person we have to worry about.”

“Kristen will wake up, Andrew. I know she will.”


“How was your free period?” James asked as Andrew sat next to him in charms class.

“It was alright. I visited the hospital wing again,” Andrew replied, “By the way, Albus woke up today and wants you and Lily to visit him when you get a chance.”

This news seemed to make James considerably happier. Although he wasn’t spending all of his free time in the hospital wing like Andrew was, he had been quite worried about his brother. He felt guilty, since no one would have been in the hospital wing to begin with if it wasn’t for his stupid plan. Sitting at the front of the classroom, he saw Samantha sitting at a table by herself. Usually Kristen was her partner. He couldn’t handle looking that way for more than a few seconds. He was the reason that Kristen wasn’t there.

“How’s Kristen doing?” James asked, “Is she awake yet?”

“I wish, but no, she isn’t. I’m really worried about her James,” Andrew replied.

“I’m sure she’ll wake up any day now.”

“What if she doesn’t? What if she never wakes up? What if that bludger caused some brain damage that ends up killing her? I don’t think I could live with that James!”

Andrew was really getting worked up. He was really close with his sister and couldn’t stand even thinking of the possibility of losing her. She was his other half. Without her, he would feel empty inside.

“You couldn’t live with it? I couldn’t live with it! Tyler couldn’t live with it! For now, she’s alive and breathing. You need to calm down before Flitwick comes over here and yells at us for not paying attention,” James stated rather harshly.

Andrew took some deep breaths. He knew that James was right. After all, he had absolutely nothing to do with knocking her out. Freaking out would do nothing to help Kristen. Hopefully she would wake up soon and everything would be alright again. For now he just had to concentrate on what Professor Flitwick was saying. When Kristen woke up, she’d want to see the notes from her classes. He knew that Kailey, Kim, and Samantha were probably all taking notes for her, but he didn’t care. If she didn’t need them, he could at least use them himself.

Kristen would wake up. He just had to stay positive. She would wake up and be perfectly fine. She’d start fretting about studying for final exams and complaining about how Ravenclaw should have won the cup. Someone would tell her what happened, and then she’d probably cuss out certain players on the Gryffindor team. As class went on, Andrew continued to take notes and think about what Kristen would do when she woke up. It was either that or falling apart, and falling apart definitely wasn’t an option. He had to stay strong.

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