4 ► The Aftermath

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spmehow, this sorta ended up like afiller.. sorry.. >.<

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Lily and Savannah ran down the empty corridors until they came to a stop in front of the hospital wing.

“What are you two doing here?” Madame Pomphrey asked as Lily and Savannah walked into the hospital wing, “Shouldn’t you be watching your siblings play quidditch?”

“We would, except they are all unconscious,” Savannah replied.

“There are four people unconscious? Why haven’t they been brought up to me yet?”

“Well about that… The quidditch match turned into an all out war. Ravenclaws and Gryffindors alike were getting knocked out constantly. It was quite unpleasant to watch. There are a lot more than four unconscious people, more like at least ten. We can help, though! We can treat bumps and bruises really well. You can’t just do it yourself!” Lily pleaded.

“That many students are unconscious? Merlin, that’s concerning. I normally don’t allow students to help, but I imagine I’ll need it.”

The girls nodded, happy they could help, as the doors of the hospital wing flew open and the quidditch players were carried in.


McGonagall quickly silenced everyone. The parents, most of who had been screaming at Fred, Tyler, and Garret, and the conscious students turned their heads to face the headmistress.

“This is an outrage!” McGonagall screamed, “Never before has something like this happened! It’s a disgrace to the name of quidditch! Tyler, since you’re the one who started this mess, I believe you have a lot of explaining to do.”

Tyler quickly looked around the room, receiving several glares, before stuttering, “Well, you see…” He couldn’t really say anything else. He had never really been in trouble before, and he couldn’t help shaking beneath the evil glares and the headmistresses shrieking voice.

“It was James,” Fred stated, speaking up even though he knew his cousin would not be very happy about it, “He was the one who told us to take out Kristen and Kailey so we could win.”

“We wouldn’t let them get away with that, so we took out their keeper and seeker to try to even out the playing field,” Garret added.

“So it was James Potter who started this? Why am I not surprised? You were always getting in trouble during school, Harry, and he’s just like his father,” McGonagall stated.

“In our defense, Professor McGonagall, we were trying to save the world,” Ron Weasley spoke up, defending his friend.

“My son is an idiot,” Ginny Potter mumbled, rubbing her temples.

“As soon as Tony Roberts and James Potter awake, I will punish the five of you,” McGonagall stated.

Most of the parents sighed in relief. Fred, Tyler, and Garret looked around at the parents. The three of them received several glares from them. It was quite frightening actually. The beaters desperately hoped that they would be able to leave soon.

“What I want to know is why James would go to such lengths just to win the cup,” McGonagall stated.

“Kristen Wood,” Fred explained, “He hates her so much that he couldn’t stand losing one more game of quidditch to her.”

“My son caused eleven people to be knocked unconscious, including himself, because he wanted to beat a girl. That’s really low,” Harry mumbled.

“You would think that after seventeen years of living in my house he would realize that girls can be just as good at quidditch as boys can,” Ginny grumbled.

“My daughter is in the hospital wing because of these assholes. When will I be able to see her?” Seamus Finnegan asked, causing the students to look at their shoes and a shouting match to start between some of the parents.

“The hospital wing is too small for you to go see your children. When they wake up, you will be informed and you can see them then,” McGonagall yelled over the shouting.

This caused a lot more angry out bursts from the parents. However, they were soon interrupted by a knock on the door. Savannah stuck her head in the door and informed everyone that Tony Roberts was awake. His parents immediately jumped up and raced out the door. McGonagall asked Savannah to make sure they made their way to the hospital wing without getting lost, who nodded in agreement.

“The rest of you are free to go. I will owl you when your child wakes up. Fred, Tyler, and Garret, I shall let you know when we will meet to discuss your punishment,” McGonagall instructed as the room started to clear.

When everyone had left the room, McGonagall put her head in a pile of notices she still had to look over.

“Sometimes I really hate my job,” she muttered.

“I know exactly what you mean,” a lot of the portraits replied.

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A/N: Care to leave me a review?? *puppy dog eyes*

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