25. Impossible Mission (Sexual content)

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Steve did cooperate so James and I could make love.  We arrived at the airport, dropped off the rental car, and went to the information booth.  James asked for a certain person, they were paged, arrived at the desk, and James gave him the code.  The man's eyebrows raised but he said to follow him and led us to a secure room.  He allowed us in first then closed and secured the door.  He asked for our passports then scanned them.  A message came up for James. 

"You are to report to Nick Fury in person at Avengers headquarters for a briefing prior to proceeding to your mission.  This message was sent via this secure office as the threat level is high.  The portal will be going directly to Avengers HQ for the same reason.  Good luck on your mission, Mr. Barnes.  I will step out now."

He unlocked the door, exited and relocked it from the other side.  The portal appeared, we walked through, and appeared at the MPs desk.  They went completely by the book.  They confirmed a security team had gone to our condo and brought back the crib, toys, books, clothes for myself and Steve, and assorted personal items, including James go bag, knives, carrying case and related gear.  The dogs had been relocated to a reputable kennel.  They handed us our lanyards and gave us our room number.  James escorted me to the room where everything had been put away by Ramirez.  James went to see Nick for the briefing.

While he was gone Ramirez stopped by to see if I had settled in yet.  She assured me that she handled the collection of personal items which were in a opaque package in the nightstand.  As for the clothing she arranged them how she would in her own place.  The back half of the property would be accessible for walks but there were more sentries and Friday external version was now active.  On a personal note she was seeing a programmer from IT and it was going well.   She was also off duty and wanted to hold Steve.  I handed him over and she won him over to her within seconds.

"He's changed so much since you were last here," she said.  "My sister breast fed her two and they were healthy but fat, you know? He feels ...muscular."

I told her about him climbing out of the hotel cot and launching himself onto the bed and interrupting us in the middle of ...then James walked in. 

"Ramirez, you off duty?" he asked.

"Yes, Sarge," she replied. "I was checking that we had everything Mrs. B needed."

"So you're done then," he said.

"Yes, Sarge, I'm done.  Mrs. Barnes."

She handed Steve to me and left.  James chuckled. "I love messing with them. She's going to wonder what she did wrong for the next hour before realizing it."

"So what can you tell me?" I asked. 

"That I don't go until tomorrow because according to Dr. Strange I don't go until tomorrow," he said.  "I'm not sure why but I can't argue with a guy who can see millions of possible futures in a few seconds."

"Anything else?" I asked.

"Still high threat for you and Steve," he said. "Oeznik is going to put our place under surveillance and see who shows up.  He agreed it was better you're here.  Sam thinks Marcus is going to propose."

"What? When?" I asked about this piece of information that seemed to come out left field.

"He's already asked Sam for his blessing and he took all the kids to an amusement park to get their approval," he told me. "He's going to ask her while she's staying with him.  I'm going to check on the rest of my team. It's been a while since I was last here."

While he was away I checked the night table drawer.  I looked in the opaque package and smiled. Then I realized it meant James would be away for a while.  I looked at Steve and smiled. 

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