Chapter 2 - Bucket List

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18 November

Dear Journal,

I should probably stop doing this.

By this, I mean purposely getting minor injuries. For the past eleven days I've been making careless mistakes just so I could head over to the infirmary. All cause she's there.


It wasn't always purposeful though. At least not in the beginning. Because half way through a spar with a classmate would somehow always bring me to a lingering thought of Kiko-chan. Maybe I'd see a small tuft of grass lighter than the rest, reminding me of her eyes. Or I'd hear a bird tweeting, reminding me of her laugh.

One time when the wind blew Ochako-chan's hair, the sun making it gleam a shade or two lighter, it looked awfully a lot like Kiko-chan's hair. It made me extremely guilty after I received a full on punch from Eijiro-kun's hardened fist (It broke my nose). Because I was searching for the frail girl everywhere, including in my classmates.

After that day, I got injured knowingly, just to bury the shame of searching for her in my day to day life.

But weirdly enough, I'd forget all that guilt and shame whenever I enter the infirmary, getting greeted by her delicate smile. She'd always show concern for my injuries, even though by now she must know I do them on purpose. She must.

Kiko-chan was always there when I came. Always. It was like she practically lived there. If I hadn't known she attends her classes and goes to the dorms every evening at 8p.m. I'd probably think that she did. She nor Recovery Girl have spoken of her condition when I was in the room, but from the frequent visits I've caught on that she needs the I.V. drip everyday for the time between the end of the school session and dinner. It was concerning, but I can't help her by prodding such a sensitive topic. I'm a hero after all, not a doctor.

Anyways, after a few days of just talking about silly mundane things, we started playing this game called Speed Round. It is where one person says a word and the other replies immediately with a single word or small phrase. It's a lot of fun really, and very informative. It gave me much insight on her life, which was mostly restricted to school and home. And I'm pretty sure it has something to do with her health.

Maybe one day she'll confide what's been ailing her. Maybe she'll even tell me about that bucket list she scribbled in her diary.

Maybe... One day...

See you soon,


20 November

Dear Journal,

I messed up. Big time.

Let me start with how it all began.

Today, like most recent days, I came to the infirmary with a deep scratch from Shoto-kun's ice attacks. I know, I know, it was very careless of me. But I needed something to injure me enough to get a note for the infirmary.

So I went, and entered the room, receiving the routine hit on the head with Recovery Girl's needle shaped staff. And after getting a hit from her quirk, I sat on the stool Kiko-chan dubbed 'The one that's seen all of Deku', and started a game of Speed Round.

That's where it had gone all wrong.

"Winter." Was what I'd started with, seeing as we were coming close to the season. And that Shoto-kun's icy attack made me think of cold temperatures.

"Snow," She'd replied with a wistful, melancholic smile, her eyes looking out the window and staring at the reds and oranges of the maple trees. And instead of starting another round, she'd added, "I wish I could feel the snow falling."

It was such an innocent wish, so much pain and sorrow laced in her words as she uttered them. It had made me sad, a bit reflective of how something I'd consider a normality, was such a privilege for her.

She faced me after a few moments of silence, a hum escaping her. "My turn." Remarked she, the sadness still lingering in her peridot eyes despite the smile on her thin lips.

I smiled back, my eyes most probably reflecting her sorrow. "Yep," I said, straightening my posture and giving her a determined grin. "Hit me with the best you've got."

She'd raised her eye at that, a fleeting giggle leaving her, hopefully from the playfulness of my gesture, and not because of my visibly wobbly lip at the nervousness of her 'best hit'. I may have destroyed my nerves when fighting villains, but I was still a bundle of shaky nerves when it came to a sudden question about my private life. Or in this case, a word that I might blurt out.

Oh and she definitely hit me with her best.


"List." I replied immediately.

And after a few awkward blinks and witnessing her knowing smile, I realized what she'd done.

I'd nervously spluttered incoherent phrases and disconnected apologies, things I don't even remember saying.

And you know what she did? She laughed.

A whole hearty laugh, her voice loud and filled with joy. I thought her reserved giggles were music to my ears. Clearly I hadn't heard her laugh yet.

Anyways, after she'd finished her laughing fit, she wiped the lone tears bunched up in the corners of her eyes.

"Don't worry," She said, a few scattered giggles coming from her chest before calming down. "I knew you were there."

My eyes widened, in shock. Cause how on earth did she know? So I asked her, "How?"

She smiled, pointing at the linoleum near the doorway. "Your shadow." She said simply, like she was stating how the sun always rises and will always rise from the east.

Dumfounded, I asked another very stupid question. "So you have a bucket list?"

She nodded so fast, I thought her head would disconnect. "Want to help me, Hero Deku?" She asked, the happiness finally reaching her eyes and matching her beam.

So of course I smiled back, asking her what's first.

I may have messed up. Big time even.

But now I could help her with her bucket list.

And that sounds like a win to me :)

Wish me luck,

Kiko-chan's Bucket List
    1. A picnic with friends
    2. Sky Diving
    3. Flying
    4. Speeding
    5. Hiking
    6. Ice skating
    7. Skiing
    8. Playing in the snow Christmas morning
    9. Spending New Year's with a friend


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