Chapter 8 - A New Year, A New Beginning

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29 December

Dear Diary,

The new year is coming closer, and my lungs are getting weaker. The pain is getting tremendously unbearable at times, but I don't want to let nii-chan know. He would only get more worried and try to find another cure to help me live life on borrowed time.

I've come to a peace now, dearest friend. I'm ready for whatever is to come in the future. I just hope and pray that those close to me are ready as well.

The snow is still falling, the white powdered earth reflecting the sunshine and sparkling as  what I think piles of diamonds would sparkle similarly to. Such sights make me ever so grateful I got to see winter again.

As I write to you I reflect on much that has transpired in my lifetime. As you know, snippets of my story are brought together into a beautiful puzzle in this collection of entries. Looking back at the cumulation of all my thoughts, I am astounded at both the change in my writing and the delicacy I started to view the world in.

I suppose hardships do bring out the prettiest things on the surface.

After all, it is only harsh and resilient pressure that can compress carbon into diamonds.

With gratitude,


01 January

Dear Diary,

Today was such a marvelous day. Or should I say last eve was marvelous.

It was more than marvelous. It was stunning. Fantastical. Magical. Absolutely, unequivocally the best most colorful night of my gray life. It was the lone colorful flower in a barren desert. It was the brightest, lone star visible even in skies of the densest of cities. It was nothing and yet everything I could've ever imagined beautiful.

And it was all thanks to dearest, most beloved Izuku for revealing such a wonder in this world.

The adventure he had planned today was one I could forever be grateful for. Because such graces in this world seem so rare and so sparse. I was the last person I'd think who'd have the honor of such  privilege.

I was reading a book, when it was about three minutes prior to the end of this year. I had already accepted the fact I'd be celebrating it alone. Nii-chan was called last minute for some radioactive leak he had to take under control and it won't be until hours after midnight that he'll be able to return home.

I didn't mind spending this evening alone. Even if I wrote it in my bucket list that I wish to spend time with a friend this time around, I didn't feel any sadness or self-pity. It was just wishful thinking on my part and I know that. Because the friends I've made are only acquaintances I've met in the past two months, and they surely have plans with people they've spent years with.

And then the excitement for the night started the moment I heard a light knock at my window.

I thought it was a bird at first, or maybe a squirrel that scuttled along the windowsill. There are a few that live in the neighborhood.

But then the knocking repeated, this time frantic and slightly harsher.

And curiousity got the better of me, so I uncovered my jade curtains to be stunned with a floating Izuku in front of me.

He had that endearing wobbly smile of his plastered on his face as he hovered in front of the window.

"Deku-chan?" I'd asked in stupor. I'm sure my expression was quite farcical, because Izuku giggled like a child at the sound of my voice.

𝙳𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝙹𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚗𝚊𝚕, 𝙳𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝙳𝚒𝚊𝚛𝚢, | Izuku Midoriya x OCWhere stories live. Discover now