Chapter 3 - Moving Forward

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23 November

Dear Journal,

Last night I had that dream again.

It's been a long time since I was back to my jittery middle school self in my dreamscapes. The way I'd flinch at every little shout from Kacchan's voice, how my voice would always break between my nervous ramblings and countless irrational apologies. No wonder Kacchan found me annoying.

And like every other time, I'd end up with Kacchan reaching out to me, helping me up as I was my disheveled self when I'd left UA. And I'd hear his apology coupled with his very genuine brotherly affection I'd been wanting since we were toddlers. In the end it would be me saving him during the Great War in Tokyo against All for One, how I'd reached out for his hand. And unlike every other time, he actually accepted it, his rare grin of appreciation plastered on his face as we faced the villains together with the rest of our class.

It was nice reliving that whole journey, seeing how far me and Kacchan have come from when we were four till now, when we are eighteen. I'll probably go to an extra spar with Kacchan today. For old times sake.

Ah, Kacchan is knocking harshly on our shared wall (I'll never get over the fact Aizawa Sensei put mine and Kacchan's rooms next to each other cause I need supervision. Apparently, I don't take care of myself enough -_- ), he thinks I haven't woken up yet for our morning run. I'll be back soon.


Mooouuuu, Kacchan is really no help with his subtle comments.

First of all, how the HELL did Kacchan know I'm close to Kiko-chan!

I know he's sugoi and all, but this is starting to get on my nerves. I have hidden in plain sight of one of the greatest villains in the nation's history, but I can't hide from a hotheaded Kacchan!

Anyway, let me explain exactly what happened.

I was in the common room just talking about the math assignment with Tenya-kun and Tsu-chan, and Kacchan tapped my shoulder thrice while passing me—our code to meet up in private to binge All Might movies. Kacchan will never admit it to the rest of the class that he is an equally big nerd of All Might's as I am so we just watch them in my room under the excuse that I forced him to watch it with me (I'm sure everyone already knows the truth ;)

But when I reached my room a few minutes later, Kacchan was waiting at the door, his face just barely pinched in concern. It's very hard to discern that expression of his, but considering how much he'd kept that mask on after finding out about my six other quirks, it was as obvious as day for me to see.

I'd approached him and spoke in a quiet murmur trying to figure out the cause for such worry, but he stayed silent, his eyes hidden behind his bangs.

After a few moments of shared quietness, Kacchan spoke.

"Your quirkless friend, the one who lives in the infirmary... Keep an extra eye on her when she's near," a growl left him, "her classmates."

He looked up, his crimson eyes as dark as blood, the anger brewing in them just as explosive as his quirk. Without another word, he slammed my door open and stomped in. A few moments later he barked at me to start the movie and so I scrambled to look for the DVD, completely disregarding his comment.

Throughout the movie I couldn't help but think over Kacchan's body language the whole day. I had a feeling he had something to tell me, and the last thing I was expecting was to hear about Kiko-chan. But the very ominous comment left me on an open ended note, which only made me think more. And me thinking more means I tend to mumble.

𝙳𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝙹𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚗𝚊𝚕, 𝙳𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝙳𝚒𝚊𝚛𝚢, | Izuku Midoriya x OCWhere stories live. Discover now