Chapter 5 - Who Helps Heroes?

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6 December

Dear Diary,

I have decided I'll use my bucket list to help get the sunshine pair together.

Wish me luck,


7 December

Dear Diary,

Today's adventure was hiking.

Kacchan was the one who found the spot, and said that the hike was reasonable and the view at the top was one of the best during this year. Apparently there was a single species of butterflies—anglewing—that migrate during the winter months and they always bunched up at the top of the hill during this time.

So the five of us—Kacchan, Shoto-kun, Izuku, Ochako-chan, and I— started treading up the dirt path of the barely steep hill. Unfortunately Iida-kun was busy attending a family event and Tsu-chan had to babysit her siblings so they couldn't make it today. I hope I can spend more time with them later.

As we walked alongside each other, I couldn't help but gawk at the naturistic beauty of it all. I kept gasping and sighing from just how magnificent it all was.

I'm sure Kacchan had a kick of it when I praised his delicate eye for such beauties. He said that he only likes the best, therefore he'd only show his friends the best as well.

Shoto had then made an unintentional snide remark of how Kacchan is so sociable now which only made him growl in anger. Their dynamic is one I am so glad to witness. The rarity in it was what made it so fascinating to observe.

I stayed beside the two, using my detrimental health as an excuse to stay near the people who could easily warm me up if it gets too cold the higher we ascend. And expertly, it let Izuku and Ochako have a private conversation of their own.

I think Kacchan caught on to my silent plan, however, he mentioned nothing of it. Instead, he took the both of us to a smaller side trail to show us the view of Mustafu below us, leaving the sunshine pair on the main trail all to their lonesome.

The view was so spectacular I nearly forgot about my plan. I can't even find the words to describe just how stunning it was so I will let you imagine it however you like. There is much more to discuss.

Because only a handful moments later, Shoto-kun and Kacchan got a ping on their phone. Izuku rushed down our path, his phone gripped tight in his hand. They nodded in sync, their faces hardened with what I assumed was their hero conviction.

Izuku apologized, concise and straightforward, saying that we should still go to the top of the hill. That if they could join they'll come as soon as they could. And the other two simply nodded along with Izuku's spiel. Whatever they were informed must've been quite dire for them to steel so quickly.

And after they said their abrupt goodbyes, it was only me and Ochako-chan.

We returned to the main trail in silence. And then we treaded up the path... in silence.

To say it was awkward was an understatement.

After a few yards, when the trees started to get denser, the shrubs and bushes getting more wild and overgrown, I spoke up.

"Since when have you liked Deku-kun?" I queried.

She was red within a second, just as comical as Izuku.

Looking back to it, I do suppose I was a bit too blunt. I think I understand Shoto-kun's disposition in a much better light now.

Because my ears and my cheeks got impossibly hot, my nerves dancing on my skin, on my tongue as I took in her incomprehensible mutters of denial.

I'd apologized for my bluntness, and when we met our eyes, we unleashed bouts of full hearted laughter. By the end of it, my stomach was in painful yet refreshing knots and tears had bunched in the corner of my eyes.

When we teetered off with sighs of delight, she replied that she fell for him when he saved her in the exam, but never realized it till their classmate, Aoyama-kun, had mentioned it.

She said, however, that she thinks that she might've liked Izuku since the moment they met. That he was just so adorable and stunned she couldn't help but remember him. Especially when he just gaped at her when she said it'd "be bad luck if you fall."

"You've been keeping his luck in check." I smiled, my heart filling with affection at just how friendly, how kind she was. "That's really sweet"

Ochako-chan smiled, wistfully so. "Deku-kun really cares for you." She'd said, her cheeks tinting slightly pink. I have a feeling she wanted to say something other than 'care'.

"Deku-kun cares for everyone." I replied simply, because that was the truth.

He does care for everyone. He cares for his friends, his family, the strangers he bumps into, even the wronged villains who just needed someone to tell them they were enough in this world torn between black and white, between heroes and villains.

"I'm glad there is someone there for him when he needs them." I said, sighing with my smile stretching wider than it has in the longest time.

I met Ochako-chan's eyes which were peeled open with emotion. Then she smiled with gratification, her relief visibly seeping in her features because she understood that I understood her feelings.

The tension that was between us evaporated in the air, the wind embracing our new friendship.

Before we knew it, we reached the top of the hill, the bright oranges and browns completely blanketing the hill. The butterflies flew around us, dancing in the breeze and then finding their landing on our shoulder and our arms.

It made me feel like a child enjoying a dream that seemed nearly impossible in this drab world I was born in.

I can't wait to see what the next adventure is.

With much gratitude,


𝙳𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝙹𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚗𝚊𝚕, 𝙳𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝙳𝚒𝚊𝚛𝚢, | Izuku Midoriya x OCWhere stories live. Discover now