Chapter 6 - Winter Wonderland

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SURPRISE! Decided to publish this ch. early on a whim :) Hope you enjoy!
Luv you guys!



18 December

Dear Diary,

I was not prepared for the journey Izuku's planned for me.

He invited me to the winter cabin trip with the rest of class 3-A, and the only reason I'm able to go is because Recovery Girl will be attending with us. I don't know why she chose to do so, but she had mentioned something about trouble children who always manage to find themselves in the center of trouble wherever they go. I know they must be in Class 3-A but I still wonder who those trouble children must be.

I am roommates with Ochako and a pink skinned beauty by the name of Mina Ashido. Or as Kacchan comically calls her, Raccoon eyes. She is a loud and exciting addition to my life. Her helpfulness and her cheekiness when messing around with the others were a welcoming presence. When Ochako retired to take a shower, it was then, I found out that Mina and I share more in common than I initially thought. Because she too was trying to get the two suns of class 3-A together.

We come up with plans and contingencies to make sure this winter escapade would be the most romantic (and as Mina suggested: hot and steamy) for both Izuku.

I won't lie to you my dear friend. It hurt. Tremendously.

Every time I mentioned how they'd be so cute kissing under mistletoe (even if it isn't Christmas yet, the hosts of the cabin have hung mistletoe all over the place), or how they'd look adorable when flustered red, a part of my heart chipped away. And to replace the ache, the loss of that warmth I'd freeze it over with more praises and more compliments of how they'd be just perfect for each other.

I never understood that feeling of love which lets you forget your own happiness for others. Never understood how one could sacrifice themselves for that one single person. But knowing dearest Izuku, learning about him and falling so irrevocably in love with him has enlightened me in such sentiments.

I truly feel like a fool in love, dear friend, and I have no regrets in being so.


Apologies for the pause of thought, I was interrupted by Pikachu, a.k.a. Denki Kaminari. He is a very obnoxious soul, his presence and his love for literature are quite electric (pun is very much intended) and conversation with him was so riveting I nearly lost track of time. It was Shoto-kun who reminded me of the delay we were causing. After I tucked you away in my bag for safe-keeping, I headed with the group.

Today, before we trampled on the snow towards the frozen lake, Iida-kun declared, "Is the day we conquer number six of Suzuki-kun's list!"

The class cheered (mostly, some of the reserved few just stayed neutral) and we headed east.

When we reached the naturistic ice-skating rink, I couldn't help but gasp at the wondrous sight. The snow and the frost sparkled like diamonds with thin threads of sunlight sifting through the gray-cloud ridden sky, and the ice sparkled with a translucent beauty I'd never witnessed before. 

When everyone was strapped in their ice skates (courtesy of Yao-momo who insisted that she needed to practice making an abundance of objects at once with varying specificities) the class collectively agreed Shoto-kun should be the one to teach me. And so, as the gentleman he is, he held both of my gloved hands tenderly and guided me through the steps. He never let me fall, always catching me before I could hit the ice. After a few minutes I got a better hang of it, and was striding beside him, my arm curled around his for support.

𝙳𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝙹𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚗𝚊𝚕, 𝙳𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝙳𝚒𝚊𝚛𝚢, | Izuku Midoriya x OCWhere stories live. Discover now