Chapter 9 - Bedridden

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03 January

Dear Journal,

I am heartbroken.

Kiko-chan is dying.

I don't even know what to say (or in this case write); I'm still in shock from the sudden revelation.

I should probably explain how I found out.

Well, for the past two days I didn't hear anything from Kiko-chan and she didn't even show up to the dorms, forget showing up to attend school. So after training with Kacchan as I always do after school, I went to her apartment.

I knocked on the door and waited for nearly 15 minutes until I just kicked down the door. I know, I know. I shouldn't have kicked down the door just because she didn't answer. She probably was sleeping or was in the bathroom.

But I was scared.

Because what if she wasn't okay?

I know she's sick, and that she'll be bedridden to (as Kiko-chan said back all the way then) "the end of her days" soon.

So what if it was much sooner than I thought?

And that's why I kicked down the door.

And when I entered the small living space, my fears were proven to be true.

Kiko-chan was sprawled on the floor, shards of glass and a puddle of water right beside her.

I scrambled to her side, checking her pulse and her breath. And when I felt both her pulse weakening and her lungs barely inhaling the amount of air she should be, I performed CPR as I called the ambulance.

I was so scared. So scared.

The moment I was scared just as much as I was today was the same as when I thought Kacchan died protecting me.

I kept whispering "Please don't go," as I kept blowing air in her lungs from her lips. I could feel my eyes burning from the sadness, the anguish of seeing her so much more fragile than before.

Within 8 minutes the ambulance was here, and her breathing got slightly better from how it was before.

They let me sit in the ambulance beside her, saying that I did good and now I have to stay out of the way as they re-stabilize her.

I watched helplessly as they placed an oxygen mask on her face and pricked her with needles filled with drugs that had names I could never pronounce.

The color of her skin was draining, paling so so much that her lips and her fingertips were starting to turn purplish blue.

It was all a blur from then on. I remember running beside her bed in the hospital. I remember the nurses explaining I had to stay behind so they could set up everything to help her be most comfortable.

I was about to argue how they should try to save her, but a hand on my shoulder stopped me. I looked beside me and Sousuke-san was beside me, puffing out of breath but with a forlorn expression.

He then talked to the nurse, and I heard about a genetic quirk disease. I heard it was in its last stage. Something about how her lack of a radioactive quirk was poisoning her body since the rest of her genetics had her body to be adapted to accommodate such a powerful quirk. Then he asked how long she was expected to live. And my entire being went numb.

He knew she was going to die.

The nurse said she had two days left. At most three.

I stood there, drowning in my thoughts, my ears deaf to the world.

𝙳𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝙹𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚗𝚊𝚕, 𝙳𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝙳𝚒𝚊𝚛𝚢, | Izuku Midoriya x OCWhere stories live. Discover now