Chapter Fifteen: Rising Cinders

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Sorry for the long wait for an update, I had zero inspiration for writing it even though I knew what I wanted to write

Ink wanted to gag as he came back to consciousness, his mouth tasted like dirty socks.

He didn't even want to know why he knew what dirty socks tasted like, as he was pretty sure he'd never tasted any.

He was on the 'ground' of the doodlesphere, where he and Dream had been talking.


He sat up, immediately regretting it as his vision went grey and he felt intensively ill.

The creator felt relief when he spotted a nearby yellow/gold clad skeleton, there bones were greyish which wasn't good. From the remaining amount of paints in his system, it had been only a few hours.

"Dream," he called out weakly, slowly crawling towards his long time friend.

"Ink?" came barely a whisper.

"I'm here," he told the other.

"What... happened?" Dream asked slowly, there eye lights were not focusing well.

"I don't know."


Phantasma was using his scythe as a crutch, having a hard time supporting his weight since.. whatever the heck happened.

"This... is not good," he mused, he tiny bit of soul could not feel much but he definitely felt dread on this situation.

He could not open windows for some reason, each time he did he got warning symbols.

And a countdown.

"Agrh..." he cried he shock, as the anti-void shook and he felt full chains of Au's... he swore it felt like they were burning.

"Fate?" he called to his ever captor.

There was no answer, in fact the anti-void was devoid of all her power.

Steeling himself he opened a portal, and found himself voiding his stomach.

It smelt like burning, how could codes smell like they were burning?

Taking a deep breath, he stepped through the portal... into Reapertale.


Reaper hurt, he felt as if his bones had become increasing brittle since he fell unconscious before.

Life had yet to wake apparently, and plants were wilting... her garden dying and he wasn't even near it.

He shivered and rubbed his arms feeling cold, he was freaking Death.. it was impossible to feel cold.

The Elder Death cast a concerned look towards his brother, who's bones had a greyish cast to them and didn't seem to doing to well either.

"Reapertale is dying," a voice said.

Reapers head jerked up, to see the familiar all to white form of Phantasma.

"How... I know its not you, I've seen enough of your magic since you appeared" Reaper rasped out.

"I do now know, but most likely fate's fault as I can no longer feel there power in this multiverse," Phantasma said quietly, it was then that the Death noticed the other wasn't the most steady on there feet either.

"Fate! But fates not suppose to interfere!" he said shocked, Phantasma gave him a face of pity.

"So they claimed, but they were the ones that created both destroyers. Error did not choose his job himself after all, and they made sure I had no choice," Phantasma said quietly.

"Damn them, is there any way to save Reapertale?" he begged, Phantasma shook there head.

"No, whatever is happening is literally burning away the core codes. Soon this place will turn to ash and nothingness," Phantasma said in his empty way.

Grief welled up in Reapers soul, this was the end then.

Maybe he'd find Geno when he died.

"The only place not burning is the anti-void, there is enough gods remaining after the first burn to Reapertale to create a safe zone there," Phantasma suddenly said, Reaper looked at him confused.

"Why are you helping save us?" he asked confused.

Those white eye lights went red with determination.

"No one hates Fate more then myself."

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