Chapter Nine: Determination

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What one had to understand, is that determination was quite dangerous to monsters.

Reaper had gathered too many poor souls that perished trying control it.

It was due to determination that Aftertale splintered off the Classic timelines, creating After Sans and his sweet lost Geno.

Those eyes, he'd seen those type of determined eyelights before.

His beloved waifu had one full time.

You walked with Death when one took Determination into oneself.

Reaper always thought that line amusing.

"What's a little kid like you doing with Determination." Reaper asked, after all other then eyes he didn't see any damage to wrought on the people that took it.

"That's a good question, but sadly not one I can answer," Phantasma replied, he was not admitting he couldn't remember as even as Error he had it.

"What Au are you from Tasma?" Reaper asked, during this Reaper was still pressing his scythe against the smaller figures weapon.

"Tasma..." Phantasma said his face taking on a look of revulsion.

"Well, I could always call you Phanta but that sounds like a drink of some type," Reaper smirked, the reviled look became pissed.

Then the child sighed, turning to look in the distance.

"We can fight another time, an AU is about to fall into a void so I must destroy it," Phantasma said his eyelights going white again, Reaper mentally swore as he felt the coming deaths.

Yet Death by Destroyer, was a much better Death then being ripped apart by the void.

"Hey Kid, has Ink remembered the balance yet?" Reaper asked quietly, in case anyone was listening.

"I have not met the Creator, but with the crowding and failing boundaries I'd say not," Phantasma said dryly, not as Phantasma at least.

Reaper muttered under his breath, Phantasma heard mentions of squids with memories as small as a flies.

"I even tried to tell him, what does it take for him to remember," Reaper grumbled.

"I am done here, I need to move on," Phantasma said, he enjoyed Reapers shocked look to see that the AU was gone around them.

"I didn't see you do anything," Reaper said a bit disturbed.

"Try to keep up Death boy," Phantasma said, and vanished.

"Shoot," Reaper cried falling forward, managing to stop himself from falling onto the ground as Phantasma scythe was no longer there.

"Today is just not my day," Reaper sighed.

He paused and looked to the sky, just before he confronted the new destroyer he swore he felt someone watching.

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