Chapter Nineteen: A Thousand Steps Searching

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Wonder if you can place all mentions, at least once won't be placeable

Blue held Shell's hand like a lifeline, afraid if his grip failed he'd be lost in the dizzying Environment they were walking through. At least he thinks they were walking, as moments ago they had seemed to be walking and breathing at the bottom of an ocean.

"We're at our first stop," Shell said, Blue blinked.

"We're on a floating island with a tent on it, I can see floating strange doors in the darkness," Blue said a bit shocky.

"One of the people that can help us is here," Shell said.

"I feel like I'm a wild goose chase, from Raven to you, to a floating set of islands in nothingness," Blue sighed.

"Its the between," Shell hummed, Blue gave him a flat look.

"That doesn't explain anything."

"The between is the space between Omniverses and multiverses, its a place where you can find fragments of places that once were," Shell explained.

"So the islands?" he asked.

"Remains," Shell confirmed.

"Well now, not often you visit here," a voice chirped cheerfully.

"Hello Traveller," Shell grinned looking up at a large spruce tree, Blue followed his gaze and gaped. Sitting near the top was a small robed figure, and they had glorious beautiful rainbow wings.

"He's a bit far from his multiverse," Traveller said flying down.

"Yeah, he has a fate problem."

"Its always a Fate problem," Traveller huffed, now on the ground Blue could see that Traveller was a child but there eye lights we're hidden behind golden shades that reminded him of Fresh's shades for some reason.

"Your adoptive sibling not about?" Shell asked looking around.

"Karma is with his foster parent," Traveller replied "So what did you need my friend, its not often you bring others to me."

"I need the multiverse testing kit, there multiverse is about to end and we need to find a safe place for them to either crash at or settling," Shell told him, Traveller sighed.

"Sorry, Retconned borrowed it."

Shells eye twitched.

"Tea?" Traveller offered.

"Another time," Shell said regretfully.


Another child, mind you this one really reminded him of Reaper.

"Sorry," Retconned said when asked about the kit.

"Who has it now," Shell said looking pained.

"Grey does," Retconned remarked "Cookies?"

Yes they both took some, they were godly cookies.

Epic must never meet Retconned.


It was an Ink.

A very friendly Ink known as Grey.

Who was madly in love with his spouse Chaos, and had two lovely children.

What made Blue feel awkward, was his spouse Chaos was a female Blue.

Never mind she made a divine roast, he pretended to sulk when she wouldn't share the recipe.

She laughed.

Of course the married couple no longer had it.

If they didn't need it so much, Blue would have cried.


A Dream, a Passive, and a Nightmare stared at Shell and Blue.

"No," The corrupted nightmare said.

"I think your in the wrong place" The Passive shyly said hiding behind The Dream and Corrupted.

"What's with those trees over there, they remind me of spider legs?" Blue asked confused.

"Sorry wrong multiverse coordinates," Shell apologized, pushing him through a portal.


"Shell?" Blue asked confused.

"Someone is screwing with us," Shell said with a snarl, looking around in what clearly not the right place again.

"Sorry, I needed to talk to you," a voice apologized "I accidentally shifted you to another place last time."

"Blue Fate," Shell sighed turning, Blue turned and blinked. A taller version of himself was standing there and peeking around him was a tiny tiny adorable babybones female skeleton.

"Catch," Blue Fate said throwing something To Shell.

"Why do you even have the kit, you have a whole multiverse under your care and don't need to test the magicules?" Shell said bewildered.

"We have a Fresh problem," he replied, a Fresh waived cheerfully from a window from the house which was actually part of a giant tree.

Which... cool.

"Not that Fresh nor Emerald or his friend, a multiverse is about to bug out because it doesn't have a Fresh," Blue Fate said, passing a card to Shell.

"Oh... that verse, I think Moppet might be able to cover it," Shell said "Next time please call."

"I lost my phone okay," Blue Fate said blushing.

"Right, I'll take care of that once I help Blue here," Shell said offering Blue his hand again, sighing Blue took it but he was very tired of travelling.


"We're.. in a library?" Blue said confused.

"Multiversal library, you can reach it from any Omniverse or Multiverse if you know the way. We use the kit here, to make sure we find you a new multiverse that won't rejects your groups magic," Shell explained.

" do we use it?" he asked hopefully.

Humming Shell opened the device, and pointed to a glowing dot. "Place your magic here, then the device will lead us to the information on matching multiverses as we go from there."

"Well, lets go," Blue cheered, placing magic on the dot.

"We got matches!" Shell said eagerly, as the dot turned Blue and arrows started floating in the air pointing elsewhere in the library.

Quickly the two began to follow the first set of arrows.

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