Interlude: What was Lost

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It was strange, that after all this time he had a happy ending.

A being that should by all rights shouldn't exist, a shard of soul keeping him existing in this endless black space.

Now here he was, leaving this place to exist side by side with another.

Reaper grinned at him from where he helped pack the box of the very few of Geno's possessions, to think he had a mate.

Dear Stars... a mate.

With all genocides, he'd long forgotten what love was other then his love for his brother.

"You ready Geno?" Reaper said stealing a kiss, watching in delight at the magic dusting the eternally bleeding ones face.

"Yes, more then ready," he smiled, taking the reapers hands.

To there future.


"Overcrowding?" Geno asked, as he cuddled his mate of a hundred years.

"It happens now and then, when AU's grow to large or two close to another. It doesn't help that Ink is always creating," Reaper said with a groan "I had to fish a multiple of souls out of the void."

"That doesn't sound any good," Geno replied frowning.

"I just hope nothing drastic happens to fix the balance," Reaper replied.

"Enough doom and gloom Reaps, we weer talking about something much better before," Geno smirked.

"Oh yes, I definitely agree," Reaper said returning that smirk.

After all, both wanted children.

Maybe tonight they'd get lucky, if not practice made perfect.


One moment Geno had been been on the way home from visiting Classic, the next he was...

Where was he?


White as far as one could see.

He'd prefer the save screen compared to this.

"Hello?" He called, there was no answer.

Fate Laughed.

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