Chapter Eleven: To Late

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"NO! STOP!" Ink screamed running forward, Broomie falling into his hands.

He had to stop them.

Stop them before it was to late.

He grabbed the other by there shoulders, and spun them around.

"Its to late now."

His own face looked back.

Broomie came down on his skull.


Ink woke with a small cry, his bones rattling in fear.

Which was strange as he didn't have much paint in his system right now.

Slowly his gasping breaths calmed and the rattling stopped, he held his face in his hands.

"What a pair we make..." Ink whispered.

"Right error?" he asked.

On his nightstand, a crystal glowed silently.


Knock Knock Knock

"Ink! It's time to get up!" Dream said, knocking on the Gods door as he did every morning.

Silence greeted him.

"You really need to stop sleeping in Ink," Dream muttered opening the door. A messy very colorful room met his gaze, art supplies scattered everywhere.

The bed was empty, the plush Blue covers crumpled at the beds end.

A breeze shifted across the room, curtains shivering from the large open window.

"Ink?" Dream said surprised.

There was a single paper with writing on the nightstand, which was bare of anything else.

Frowning Dream walked over, gently picking up the paper.

Dear Dream

Something is happening.

Something is to late.

I'm sorry but I need to know.


"I don't understand?" Dream said in confusion.

Everything was going well.

Error was gone, and sooner of later he'd be able to save his brother now that Error was no longer corrupting his brother.

"To late? For what?"


Gravel crunched under Inks shoes, as a light drizzle dampened his shoes. Fog swirled around the area, making it harder to see.

Ink didn't remember which AU this was.

He hadn't been paying attention, after all since he woke something had been pulling him across the multiverse.

He swung out with Broomie, the magical brush clanging against a weapon.

Ink could barely make out the form of a child like figure.

"Sooo... can you tell me whats too late?" Ink asked worriedly.

Something slammed down on his head, as darkness claimed him he realized something...

"Oh! You actually are a child..."

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