Chapter Four: Situation

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"We have an issue," was what Dream said as soon as he entered the room, Blue sighed and settled back in his chair for an over long meeting that would probably go nowhere.


Grumbling the other Sans there sat back down, tired and wanting to head home.

And of course Ink wasn't there.

But the Creator had been showing less and less.

Yet when he did show, he seemed distracted..


Yes, that was it.

The soulless being seemed to be lost.

It was as if the fire had gone from him, since the day they sealed Error away.

"We have a new Destroyer!" Dream announced grandly, or at least tried as he sounded more like a jerk.

'Knew it' Blue thought.


Fate grumbled as there slave worked to catch up on destroying AU's, stupid glitch just had to be caught.

They grabbed half there soul and created this body, unfortunately it had taken two years as they'd used the strange energy of the anti-void itself for it.

Error would have to find a way to grab there body with the rest of his soul, because tormenting him was not as fun while he only had a bare fragment.

Maybe that would cheer Ink up, bring his opposite back.

Her favourite had barely made anything beyond copies like crazy.

She wanted Original storyline.

Where was the excitement.

After all, she'd chosen the bloody glitch as her destroyer to make things interesting.

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