Chapter Twelve: The Empty Child

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If there was something he was not ready for, was coming across the Creator.

Phantasma looked at the knocked out soulless being, they were collapsed on the ground with broomie several feet away.

Tilting his head, he poked the other with the pole of his weapon.

The other didn't stir at all.

He felt a brief flare of annoyance.

He had to finish destroying this AU, and Fate would be annoying if he damaged her favourite.

Sighing, he opened a portal and sent Ink to another AU and finished his job.

Moments later he portalled to where he'd left Ink.


Poke poke

Wow, boredom set in fast.


Ink gave a hiss of pain as he slowly came to, slowly he opened his ever changing eyes wincing a bit from the light.

He idly waved a hand at the poking.


"I'm up Dream," Ink grumbled, why did Dream have to be such a morning person which Ink was not.

"I am not Dream," a quiet rather empty voice said.

It definitely didn't belong to Dream, and that woke Ink up the rest of the way. He jumped to his feet, spinning around reaching for Broomie.. which.. wasn't there.

It was then he saw who had spoken, a tiny child.


So much star freaking white.

Some part of his mind screamed at the white.

Then he realized something, this child.

Was empty like him.

"Not exactly, a have a tiny shard of soul but it rarely strong enough to feel," the child said, had they read his mind?

"No, your talking out loud," the child said dryly.

"Oh..." Ink said embarrassed.

There was silence for a few minutes.

"WAIT!" Ink cried "You destroyed that AU and knocked me out,"

"Yes," the child said simply.

"Why? We already had one destroyer?" Ink asked confused.

"As long as there is a creator, there must be a destroyer," the child said, Ink moaned and sat on the ground.

"This hurts my head, whats your name?" Ink finally asked.

"Phantasma," the child said.

"My name is Ink," Ink told the empty child.

"I know," Phantasma replied.

"Soo..." Ink said not sure on what to do next.

Was he suppose to attack a child, who was the new destroyer? If Dream was here he'd say yes, Ink was sure Dream had his undies in a twist though. Blue would try to make friends, but Blue could make friends with anyone.

"Do you ever just watch the Aus after you create them, or jut leave?" Phantasma asked.

"I usually just lave, always things to do," Ink replied confused still.

Phantasma sat down and patted the ground beside him, Ink scooted over and realized the two of them were on top of a high hill. He could see the sun lowering and the moon raising, darkness claiming blue sky.

"Ohhhhh..." Ink said in awe, as the moon dominated the sky in its glory.

"You create and create, and I destroy and destroy. And we loose ourselves in our duties, we need to pause and look around... to find ourselves," Phantasma replied.

"Find ourselves huh," Ink replied.

Together two empty beings watched the night sky through the night, Ink falling asleep as dawn neared.

When he woke, Phantasma was gone.

Ink thought of taking more paints and heading home, but instead declined and heading off.

He realized he hadn't gotten an answer on whats too late.

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