Part 5

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Every so often, Sunwoo would look to the side of him, Eric following along every time. Still clueless about his friend's intention.

The class ended miserably as they gained three tons of homework and everyone stumbled out, drained and tired from the boring lesson.

Sunwoo however, practically ran out of the room. Trying to get close to the boy he had been glancing at the whole lesson.

Eric chased after him, holding his bag so he wouldn't get lost in a sea of people.

"Who are we even following?" Eric asked, noticing how they had both stopped at the cafeteria.

"I'm hungry." Sunwoo announced, walking into the line to buy something.

"What do you mean you're hungry, you're never hungry!" Eric whined, messaging Juyeon of their whereabouts.

"We'll I'm hungry today, I ate too much over the summer." Sunwoo lied, his eyes still set on the boy and his friends, the usual frown that was usually set on his face was now built with curiosity.

"Why are you guys here?" Juyeon questioned as he cut in line to join the other two, hearing people complain.

"Sunwoo was hungry." Eric answered, punching his buddy in the arm, shrugging to Juyeon who watched them in confusion.

Eric shook his head and leant over his friends.

"Anyways, carry me." He ordered, his arms wrapped around Sunwoo's neck and Juyeon's arm, who kept pulling the other along with his arm, trying to make him fall over.

The two joked around for the longest time whilst Sunwoo tried to figure out who this mysterious boy was.

He had been too in his thoughts that he hadn't realised that the line had moved until he was being pushed by his friends.

"What's wrong with you?" Eric groaned, pushing Sunwoo until he tripped over.

"What are you even looking at?" He added, trying to find where his eyes were pointed but still could never figure it out.

"Just leave him, he'll be over it by lunch." Juyeon smiled, messing up Eric's hair before pushing him into the wall.

"You know, you're so horrible to me." Eric began, starting another fake squabble.

Sunwoo however, continued to block them out, until he was at the front of the line, but once he began to watch them leave he panicked.

He wanted to go with them, talk to them. Well, more like talk to him only.

So staring at the unappealing food, he grimaced before getting out of the line.

"I don't want anything anymore." He announced, before walking right off, in the direction that the others had gone in.

"What the fuck? I had to stand there forever for you to not want anything?!" Eric shouted, watching as Sunwoo left in a sort of rage.

He went to follow Sunwoo, but Juyeon held him back shaking his head.

"Let him go, knowing him. If we followed him, he would rip our heads off." Juyeon laughed, before heading off to buy something for once, it would be a waste to wait all that time to get nothing.

Sunwoo wandered the halls, searching for the boy but he was met with disappointment. He leaned against a locker and covered his eyes pulling out his phone.

"Excuse me, you're leaning on my locker." A voice interrupted, the unfamiliar voice caused his head to pop up.

I'm front of him stood the same boy from earlier. And up close made Sunwoo choke on air, he was beautiful.

Stuttering slightly, Sunwoo got out of the way of the boy and leaned against another locker.

Staring into the boy's face, not realising it was slightly creeping him out.

"Do you need anything?" He questioned, taking notice of the weird actions of the guy.

"Oh, sorry. I'm Sunwoo, I'm in your English class." Sunwoo introduced himself, holding his hand out for the other to shake.

"Hi, I'm Chanhee." He grinned back, the breathtaking sight making Sunwoo feel dizzy.

"We'll Chanhee, I hope we can be friends." Sunwoo grinned, not realising the blush that covered his and Chanhee's face.

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