I will have you.

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Today was an oddly peaceful day..The great hall was quiet, only the sounds of small conversations sounded around me, I heard the sounds of quills scratching beside me. Fred, George and Aimee were sitting around me at lunch working on essays that they were working on last minute. I smiled at the confused look Fred had on his face as he scrunched up his eyebrows and scratched his head. He looked so cute fawning over a potions essay..But i bugged him last week to work on it. George was tapping his quill aimlessly against his parchment and spilling small amounts of ink in random points of his essay. And Aimee, she was on a roll and was scribbling away..

When I was finishing my sandwich my peaceful afternoon was ruined as an unrecognizable owl dropped something onto my plate.. It was a single red rose with a note attached. I originally thought it was from Fred..But the note proved otherwise.

Roses are red

Violets are blue

I will have you

If its the last thing I do.

I dropped the note onto my plate and looked silently around the great hall for an indication of its sender. Everyone in the room was either working on homework or eating peacefully. Even Umbridge looked distracted in a conversation with professor sprout. I had a sense of whom it might be from though.. "aww Freddie did you send Ronnie and Rose?" Aimee asked from in front of me, and she snatched the rose off my plate along with its menacing note. I lowered my head, in case the sender of the note happened to be watching me.

"Who the fuck sent this to you!" Aimee yelled causing the twins to drop their quills and turn in our direction. George snatched it out of her hand and read it quickly, his face turned to that of disgust. He handed it slowly to Fred who immediately was outraged and stood from his seat, his fists were clenched and he looked around the room so fast I thought his neck would be sore.

"I have a hunch" I said quietly, but only Aimee heard me, as the twins were now standing. "Who?" Aimee mouthed to me with worried eyes. I looked at the guys who were looking around and whispering things I couldn't hear to one another. "Flint" I mouthed to her. She looked confused but then soon understood, as I had told her all about my interactions with him these past few months.

She said nothing and was out of her seat in a flash with her wand at the ready. She shoved the boys back into their seat and she took off towards the slytherin table. If Aimee wasn't one of Umbridge's prized students, she would definitely be getting a detention for this.

"What is she doing?" Fred seethed from beside me, George now had the flower in a pile of ash in the middle of the table. "Talking to Flint..Or cursing him from the looks of it" I said not taking my eyes off of my best friend.. She now had her wand pointed into Flint's back and was whispering things into his ear..and from the look on his face..They were not pretty. I could tell her jaw was clenched and and I had seen that look on her face plenty of times before.

"Just let it go boys..Umbridge wont do anything anyway" I said shaking my head and holding Fred's hand in my own. The look on both Fred and George's face said they were definitely not going to let this go. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Neville and Hermione rushing into the room and whispering things to different people. When Neville got to our group he sat beside me and the boys leaned in to hear what he had to say, and Hermione ran over to the Ravenclaw table.

"We found a place to practise..the room of requirement" He said softly and glanced to the teachers table to make sure no one was looking, they were all too distracted with their own conversations to notice any of us. "Awesome, where is it?" George asked leaning his head closer. "The room of requirement..on the seventh floor..our first lesson is tonight after lessons" He said and then scurried off towards Ginny and Dean...

The rest of my classes went by incredibly slow and I was actually nervous about our first lesson that night...I had never had to teach someone before and frankly I don't think I would be very good at it, but i promised Harry.. I was too caught up in my thoughts about the lesson when once again this year I didnt notice someone yanked be roughly from behind.

I was then thrown into a small alcove outside of the charms classroom. My wand was in my bag and I was hopeless against Marcus Flint, who once again had me pinned against the wall. I didn't even have to open my eyes to see who was there..I could smell him. That scent that made me want to vomit all over the place..that repulsing smell that held nothing but horrid memories.

"I take it you got my note" He seethed inches from my face. I nodded once, trying to hide my fear. "I meant what it said.. and you don't have to have that blond bitch friend of yours to do your fighting either" He said as he stroked my face with his long disgusting fingers. "You will turn your back for one second..and Ill be there..I promise you that" and then he slapped the spot across my face his fingers once grazed. My face flushed to the side and it stung something awful. Flint gave me one last sneer before taking off unnoticed down the empty hallway.

I slid down against the wall and let relief and fear wash over me..I was relieved he was gone for the moment but the fear that he would be back only intensified over any other feeling...

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