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I stretched my arms over my head and smiled smelling the scent of cooking bacon wafting through my house. Looking over and seeing that George wasn't in the bed beside me I knew he must have gotten up early with the kids to let me sleep, our youngest one had a hard time sleeping last night. I walked across our large bedroom and into my walk in closet before grabbing a sweater to slip over my pajamas. I tossed my shoulder length hair up into a loose bun before walking out of my bedroom and down the staircase. 

"Mommy!" I heard the second my feet hit the first floor landing, and I smiled before picking up my youngest daughter Dora in my arms. She was three years old with long curly red hair, I pecked her cheek and placed her on my hip before walking through the walkway to the kitchen. I couldn't help but smile as I walked through the door. George and Teddy were throwing flour in each other's hair, Teddy's hair changing from blue to blonde every so often. "Stop dad!" Teddy said with a chuckle as he ducked a handful of flour George chucked at him.

"Get him Teddy!"

"Smack him with bacon!"  

 I heard my fourteen year old twins shout at the two of them. Remus and Fred I swear were going to be the death of me. The pair of them stick true to the amazing men they were named after, and were complete handfuls. They each had shaggy brown hair like mine, with light brown eyes like George, with the same handful of freckles across their nose. They were identical in every way possible as they played pranks on anyone they could find. And both of them were so protective of their baby sister Dora, even with a eleven year age difference. 

"I say smack him with the bacon son" i called over as I shifted Dora in my arms. Teddy looked over to me and I winked at him, he then grabbed a piece of freshly cooked bacon and smacked George over the face with it before running away. George looked appalled as he looked at our son who was hiding behind the twins. Teddy was seventeen now and still didn't act any older than five, but I wouldn't have it any other way. My Weasley men were all immature and i loved every second of it. If someone would have told me twenty years ago that I would be married with four kids i would have never believed them.

My kids drove me crazy more often than not, and my once lively hair was now duller with age, but I loved my life so much it hurt. Teddy was finishing his seventh and final year at Hogwarts, while the twins were finishing their fourth year. All three of them were in Gryffindor just like George and I. And much to my dismay all three of them played quiditch. Teddy was playing seeker, while Remus and Fred played beaters. They were all on Easter break at home right now, Dora sure missed her brothers. But I was glad Aimee and Draco lived so close to us, and Dora could play with Madison their three year old daughter while the boys were in school. 

"You funny daddy" Dora said looking over at George who had a piece of bacon stuck to his face. George looked at his daughter and couldn't help but smile over at her. Our one and only child to inherit his crazy red hair. "You're funny too sweetheart" George said with a smile as he picked the piece of bacon off of his head and tossing it in the garbage can. "Teddy finish this please" George said with a semi-authoritative tone before walking over to Dora and I. 

George bent down and kissed me slowly on the lips before kissing Dora on the forehead. "How are my two beauties this morning?" George asked before taking Dora out of my arms and placing her on his hip. "Fine" I heard Fred and Remus say together with a laugh. I giggled at the two of them, as George smacked them on the back of the head. "You are my beauties" I said walking over to them and kissing them both on the head. Teddy reached over and placed two plates in front of the twins who were seated on the bar stools at our high counter.  

George was placing Dora in her booster chair at the kitchen table, while I walked around the island to help Teddy in the kitchen. "Teddy, I think you should come with me this year" I said softly to Teddy, placing a hand on his arm. Teddy looked down at me with saddened eyes before handing George Dora's plate of cut up pancakes. "She's right son, I think it would be good for you to go" George said rubbing Teddy's back before yelling at the twins to go sit at the kitchen table with Dora.

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