The First Challenge

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Vishaka POV

The morning of the first challenge came, and the rest of the demigods and I were getting ready. Harleen came dancing into the room. "Ready for the challenge," she asked us while sitting down on my bed. "Hogwarts is gonna kick your ass."

"I thought you were on Vishaka's side," Thalia said, while putting on her boots.

"Yeah," I piped in. "I thought we were friends." An odd look passed over Harleen's face before it was replaced by a teasing smile. "We are, but team Hogwarts all the way." I laughed and shooed Harleen out. I haven't hung out with her a lot this year, but she seems okay.

I turn back to Nico and lean in for a kiss. He turns his head so that I kiss his cheek instead. He lets out an awkward laugh before saying, "Let's go downstairs. We wouldn't want to be late." No one else notices anything, so I don't say anything.

If I am being honest, Nico has been like this lately. He wasn't like this before. When we first started dating, he was shy, but affectionate. We were always touching in one way or the other. But this summer, he was off. Everything does seem okay from the outside, but I have a feeling something's not right.

Commenter POV

Welcome everyone to the first challenge in the DualWizard tournament. Give it up for Hogwarts champions Remus Lupin, Lily Evans, Severus Snape, Dylan Taylor, Emily Vance, and Sarah Smith.

Come on. I know you all can cheer louder.

That's better. And on the opposing side, we have Hecate's School of Magic and its students, Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Thalia No Last Name, Nico Di Angelo, Will Solace, and Vishaka Seghal.

Now let the games begin. These twelve teens will face an obstacle course filled with both magical and muggle tricks and traps. Rules are: one weapon of choice, no sabotage, and please do not kill the Blast-ended Skrewts. Hagrid will be devastated.

I can see the look of terror on Dylan's face from up here. Don't worry, it won't eat you if you leave it alone.

Sorry, Professor. I'll try not to make fun of them.

Okay, first up we have Hogwarts students.

It looks like Evans volunteered to go first. Oh, that was a close call. Those spikes look like they might hurt. And there goes Lupin. Damn, that was a big leap. Come on, people, faster. Times a wasting.

And everyone made it through. Evans didn't bother to wait. Watch out for the fire. OH, and Snape's head is on fire. He probably should have washed it beforehand. And Vance is on fire. Not literally.

Woah. Lupin just vaulted over that wall. It's like he's not human. Maybe he's a vampire or something. And Smith uses his magic to climb. Come on, you four. Are you all wizards or not?

They finally face the final challenge. And they're firing spells. Taylor does a really complicated spell and -Wicked. It exploded. They'll be cleaning monster gunk out of their clothes for weeks.

Alright. Next up is Hecate's School of Magic. It looks like Thalia is going first. They all passed the first part with no problem.

Next up is the and what did I say about killing the Skrewts. I can hear Hagrid's moaning. Not like that you dirty fucks. Sorry Professor M.

And Sehgal just leaps up the wall. Damn, that girl has strong legs. Oh, don't glare at me Di Angelo.

They finally make it to the mons-and Chase is going for it. Jackson right behind her. And the thing is dust.

Gee, I wonder who won that one. As we wait for the announcement, feel free to mingle among yourselves or study for that potions test next week. Damn Slughorn. Sorry, Professor.

Vishaka's POV

"That was brilliant," Percy said, plopping down next me. "And way too easy. Those wizards don't have a chance."

"Watch your mouth, Jackson," Harleen snapped back, with a touch more venom in her voice than usual. I raised my eyebrows at her as Percy held his hands up in surrender.

Harleen grinned. "We wizards are tougher than you think." I didn't know what was up with Harleen. She's been weird the past few weeks. Then again, I haven't seen her that much. She catches me looking at her and winks. I felt heat flare up in my face and ducked down.

Nico came and sat next to us. Harleen noticeably turned cold. I didn't know why she didn't like Nico.

"How'd you think we did?" Nico asked.

"Way better than them," Annabeth replied, coming toward us.

"Well we are about to find out," Will said, taking a seat on Nico's other side. Nico stiffened by my side. I laid my hand on his and caught his eye. He gave me a grin that didn't quite reach his eyes and turned to where Dumbledore stood.

"The judges and I have made a decision. It was a close call..."

Thalia scoffed at this.

"But the winner is Hecate's School of Magic."

*nervous laughter*

I updated. Yay. I did not think I was going to but here we are. Next chapter might be up faster than this but who knows. School has been kicking my ass but spring break is coming up. 

Anywho, hope you all enjoyed the chapter. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2022 ⏰

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