Train Ride

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Vishaka POV

After Dad dropped me of at Platform 9 and 3/4, I got on the train and started searching for a empty compartment. After I found my usual compartment, I settled down and took out a book.

While I was reading, I was interrupted by four boys. The Marauders, as they like to call themselves. James Potter, or Prongs, had messy black hair and hazel eyes. His best mate was Hogwarts "heartthrob", Sirius Black or Padfoot. He had shoulder-length black hair and grey eyes that, apparently, hypnotized girls to sleep with him. Then there was the bookworm and the most reasonable Remus Lupin, the only one I can tolerate. They call him Moony. He had dirty blonde hair and carmel colored eyes. He was a werewolf. I knew that because it was kind of obvious. Every full moon he wouldn't come to class and then the next day he had new scratches and cuts. Last and definitely least, there was Peter Pettigrew, or Wormtail. He was short and blonde and had watery blue eyes. He gave me the creeps.

"Hey there, Seghal" Potter said with a smirk. "How was your summer at that freak camp you go to?" I decided to say something back because I had absolutely enough of their bullying. They kept doing it because no one stops them.

"My summer was great. Thanks for asking.  I didn't know you were capable of being nice, considering how you're an ass to anyone that you consider beneath you."

The boys just stared at me in shock because I never stood up to them before.

Sirius was the one who snapped out his shock first. "Well looks like baby Seghal worked up the guts to tell us off"

"You're damn right I did. I'm sick and tired of you assholes bullying me for no reason. Now do me a favor and leave me the fuck alone."

The boys just stood there so I pushed them out of the compartment, pulled my book out and started reading again.

There was a knock on the compartment window. I looked over and saw my friend Harleen waving at me.

"Hey Sunshine. How was your summer at camp" she said, her blue eyes shining. I told her about camp because I needed someone to talk to about it and I trusted her.

"It was great. I had a great time with Nico." I noticed Harleen shift uncomfortably at Nico's name. She would always do that when I brought him up. I decided to change the subject. "I also decided that I wasn't going to let those assholes push me around anymore. Hogwarts gets to see the real me."

Harleen smiled brightly and hugged me. "I knew you had it in you, Sunshine." I felt my cheeks heat up slightly. What the hell was wrong with me?

I listened to Harleen talk about her summer. She gestured wildly as she told me about how her family went on vacation to France. I smiled at her softly. I wasn't alone at Hogwarts. I had Harleen. And with her by my side, I could do anything.

Hey guys.

I want you guys to vote and comment.

I have a great chapter for Halloween.

This chapter has been rewritten. 

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