The Announcement

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Sirius POV

After Vishaka kicked us out of the compartment, we went back to ours. James started talking. "Looks like Sehgal decided to stand up to us today. Why don't we prank her and make her hair green for the rest of the month in the Beginning of the Year Feast?"

"Great idea Prongs," I replied with a twinge of guilt. I always said I hated her, but the truth was I really liked her and was hurt when she rejected me. I acted on impulse for the weeks after that and next thing I knew, I bullied her regularly. James just followed my lead for some reason. 

I notice Remus looking at me in disappointment. I could never handle making Remus upset, ever since the Whomping Willow incident so I backtracked. "But we have better things to do, like the full moon in three days." I looked back at Remus and saw him smiling at me. I ducked my as I felt my cheeks heat up. 

Before I ponder on what the hell happened, James noticed Evans pass my. He stumbled out of the compartment and chased after her. Remus rolled his eyes. "Idiot," he said shaking his head. I let out a laugh. Remus looked at me weirdly. I simply looked back. I never noticed how light Remus's eyes were. I leaned forward a bit and fell off the seat. 

"Sirius," Remus cried out. "What the hell are you doing?" I quickly got up and sat back down. "Sorry," I said. Remus started laughing. I smiled at the sound. Remus didn't laugh often. I was broken out of my stupor, when James came back, sulking.

The rest of the train ride included James and I goofing off, Remus hitting James in the head with a book, and a small explosion. 

Finally, we arrived at Hogwarts. Home sweet home, I thought as we got into a carriage. I saw Sehgal pet the air and then get into the carriage with her friend called Heather? No Hestia? You know what, I don't care. I saw Remus do the same thing, before getting into our carriage. 

The rest of the Marauders and I proudly sat down at the Gryffindor table. During the Sorting Ceremony, I started day-dreaming and my eyes fell on Vishaka Sehgal again. I've tried not looking at her, but clearly I failed. I started studying her. Her brown hair had gotten longer and the purple in it was more vibrant. I couldn't see her eyes, but I knew they were a beautiful shade of hazel. Her body was lean and fit and her curves were amazi--- wait brain stop. Do not think of her like that. I instead focused on the sorting.

After the Sorting ended and we were in the middle of eating, James spoke up "Why don't we do the prank now." I agreed and surprisingly, so did Remus. 

James muttered the spell and sent it her way. As if she seen it coming, she ducked super fast and the spell hit Evans. instead. I was amazed at how she just dodged that spell. "Shit," Remus said. And shit indeed. Evans marched right up to James and started screaming at him to fix it. In a small voice he said that it will wear off at the end of the month. She glared at James and stormed away.

I turned around and saw Sehgal laughing so hard that tears were coming out of her eyes. I never seen this side of Vishaka before.

Dumbledore then stood up and cleared his throat. Everyone quieted down and he started speaking. "This year Hogwarts is proud to host the DualWizard tournament. Six people from our school will compete against six students from the other school to win the trophy and 10,000 galleons. Only seventh years are allowed to compete. The exchange students should be coming in about two weeks. You can go up to your dorms now"

Instantly the crowd started talking loudly. James said that he was going to compete. I look over at Vishaka and see that she is talking very fast to her friend. I catch words like "Maybe" "Chiron" "coming" "Nico" "compete." I ignored it and started talking to James.

This year might be different.

Hope you guys like this chapter.

Remember to vote and comment and I will try to update soon.

This chapter was rewritten.

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