Chapter Five

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"Sorry to barge in, but I wanted to say goodbye, the cab will be here any minute now," the tall doctor says with an apologetic smile.

Carina looks at him and then at me, she looks overwhelmed.

"Go," I mutter.

"I'm sorry," Carina mouths to me and then leaves with her head down.

The doctor extends his hand to Carina, but she doesn't take it. The door closes and there's complete silence in the room, I can hear my heart pounding, but nothing makes sense anymore, my wife has just left the room with a man that apparently is her boyfriend. Never in a million years I could've imagined something like this. Carina is now kissing someone else, her lips and her thoughts are for that doctor while I'm here with a thousand questions. I thought our love was bigger than anything, Carina and I were supposed to be together forever. We were not supposed to end up like this, it's not even been three years since our wedding, I refuse to accept this as my reality.

"Babe, hey, are you okay?" Michelle's voice brings me back from my thoughts.

My chest is getting tight, but I nod. I don't want anymore doctors coming in here sedating me.

"I'm sorry, I thought she told you already," Michelle strokes my back and I flinch.

"How long?" I say, staring still at the door.

"I don't know," Michelle shrugs. "You found out about it and moved out that night."

"I found out?" I raise my voice. "Did she..."

"She cheated on you Maya," Michelle says and I shake my head. "You came to my house that night and haven't left since."

Michelle's words resonate in my head, they cut like knives, but somehow they don't seem real or logical to the Carina I know and love. Carina has always been faithful and honest, every time I felt threatened in our relationship she always talked sense into me, reassuring me that our bond was so strong and beautiful nothing could destroy it. I was the one who cheated when we were first starting and I knew how much that hurt her, I don't believe that she would do anything like that, she's so much better.

"Maya, I know you don't remember now, but I'm sure when we get back to our lives everything is going to make sense again," Michelle softly says as she tucks my hair behind my ear.

"How did I find out?" I ask pulling away from Michelle.

"What?" Michelle frowns and sits on the chair in front of me.

"About the cheating," I say quickly. "Did I tell you?"

"You saw them kissing outside your apartment, when she went upstairs you had a bag packed and left her," Michelle says casually. "I think you were ready to leave her, but didn't know how to. She gave you the perfect reason."

"Were we?" I point my finger at her and then at me.

"No, we were friends first, we started hooking up like a month or so after," Michelle smiles and takes my hand.

"Why do you think I was ready to leave my wife?" I ask as I remove my hand from Michelle and cross my arms.

"I don't know Maya," Michelle responds annoyed. "She went to Italy for a month and you just started spending more time at the station or at Lucie's bar."

"Where do you fit in all of this?" I question. "No offense, but I don't even know what you do for a living, to me you're just Andy's cousin."

"That's not fair Maya, I'm trying to help you," Michelle stands up offended.

"I know, but you have to understand that everything you're saying is really hard to believe," I say in frustration.

"You think I'm lying?" Michelle raises her voice, "Oh my God. You know, you say you don't remember anything? Well, that's actually really hard to believe too."

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