First Year Christmas Holidays

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⚠️WARNING: This book contains TW/CW: Torture, abuse, coarse language⚠️

By Ebony

1st Year Christmas Holidays

Ebony POV

We made it to the front door, Lucius reached out and opened it...

The Malfoy's were never really the decorating type but this... this was beautiful; the fireplace had a large raging fire in it (which Dobby threw another log on), the Christmas tree we had had forever was up ready to be decorated. The table was lined with a red and gold tablecloth and candles making the whole room smell like pine trees. The top of the windows was decorated with wreaths and they had been cleaned recently. 

"Wow," Ally gasped, "Holy moly," the four of us looked around the room, gaping and gazing in awe.

"Well come on children," said Cissy, "Get your things unpacked upstairs," The four of us raced up the stairs and unpacked as quickly as we could then we raced downstairs again. Dinner was waiting for us on the table and like every Christmas, a great turkey was laid out in the middle of the table with all sorts of sauces and salads placed out around it. We dug in and finished in record time. Once Cissy and Lucius finished we raced over to the bare tree and sat beneath it. Cissy and Lucius pulled two chairs up and sat down, "Now," said Cissy, "As per tradition, we left the decorating for you children," 

At those words we started to decorate the tree, we argued over who does what and what goes where but we finally decided and when we finished we came out with the best tree we had ever done, "Well done," Cissy clapped, "Now you better go up to bed and sleep otherwise Father Christmas won't come," 

"Oh come on, Mother, we're too old for fairy tales," Draco rolled his eyes,

"Go on," Lucius said sternly. We all scrambled to bed and fell asleep almost immediately (including Bella!). 


Bella POV

I woke up with a start; it was Christmas! I hopped out of bed and jumped onto Ebony, "Ebony! Wake up! It's Christmas Ebony! Come on!" I yelled bouncing her. 

"I'm up, Bella, I'm up," she groaned and sleepily sat up. Christmas was my favourite part of the year. After Ebony had regained her senses we ran into Ally's room and bounced her until she woke up. We then banged on Dracos door until he came out and then we all raced to Cissy and Lucius's room. We pounded and pounded on the door and eventually, they came out, looking tired, in their pyjamas. 

We sprinted ahead of them downstairs where presents were waiting for us, under the tree. Cissy and Lucius sat down and we began to open them. We only had a present each this year but we didn't care. 

I got a light blue bear toy.

Ebony got a light yellow bear toy.

Ally got a light pink bear toy.

And Draco got a light green bear toy.

We girls loved the bears but Draco deemed that he was too old for toys and promptly ran upstairs with it and then came back down without it. Then we ate breakfast, a large feast of pancakes and syrup. We dressed and then spent the rest of the day outside only resting to eat and use the toilet. It was a great Christmas day and the four of us went to bed happy and fulfilled. 

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