Second Year Christmas Holidays

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By Bella

So I'll be writing all the Hols now cause Ebony wants me to help out 🙄. So do enjoy.

Ebony pov

"Welcome home children," Cissy smiles warmly as she opens the door...

I walk through the door glad to see a tree that was bigger than our one last year, the house had the same blazing fire going to keep us warm. "As per usual you can decorate the tree after you unpack of course," Cissy says happily. I am glad that Draco had decided not to come home for the hols, more presents for me!

"Sorry guys, I'm not feeling too good I'm going to stay in our room to rest," Bella speaks up.

"That's alright sweetie. It must have been a long year," Cissy nods her head in understanding. Ally furrows her brows at Bella. We walk up and quickly unpack before starting to walk back to the dining hall, where Cissy and Lucius are waiting,

"I think somethings up," Ally confesses.

"There was the train, but she ran away after," I told her.

"What happened on the train?" Lucius asks. I go panic mode, what lie can I tell that's believable? How can I keep her safe?

"Oh, this boy from last year asked her out again, except this time he tried to force her to go out with him," I lie.

"Was it Terry?" Ally joins in.

"No, it was another boy, since Severus and I was overprotective of her, many boys asked her out to see if we thought they were alright," I lie.

"Understood," Lucius says slowly. 

'Bella, what's going on with you?' I think to myself.

We set up the tree and went to our room, I look at Bella's face. It was completely red, "You alright Belle?" I ask getting a little concerned for the small girl.

Bella doesn't make a single movement to signify she heard me, "Bella?" Ally says walking up to the girl. "Hey what's up?"

"O-Oh just not feeling too well," Bella stutters.

"Okay if you say so," I give in, "I'm gonna study for a little bit so that I'm ahead." 

I move to the small desk in the corner that Aunty Cissy had brought us and pull out a charms book.

25 minutes later

"You did what!" Ally suddenly yells.

"No!" Bella yells back, "I wanted to tell Ebony first."

"Ouch, do you not trust me?" Ally says with fake offence.

"No, it's just Ebony's my twin," Bella sighs.

"I'm still here you know you can just tell me," I offer.

"We promised to only tell one person each," Bella sighs. I roll my eyes, 

'It's probably not anything big. Right?' I think to myself. 


I sit at the table waiting for the guests Lucius had invited over. Dobby hadn't brought out the food yet. We were told they were guests of the ministry and that we were to be on our best behaviour. Bella was assigned to stand by the door and welcome the guests that Lucius refused to name. All he told us was that they had heard about us and that they wanted to make sure we're well cared for. We were all forced to wear nice clothes, Ally wore a green and silver dress, I had a pale blue dress and once again Bella wore a red and gold dress. It's like she has an extra wardrobe just for them.

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