Fourth Year Summer Holidays

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Ebony pov

"Draco, girls," Cissy says quietly, "Don't be rude," we look at her, confused, "Say hello to the Dark Lord,"

"Hello, my Lord," Draco bows down in fear.

"It's pleasure to be in your presence," I curtsy, then started staring at the ground.

"We are at your service, my Lord," Ally offers us all up.

"Hello, Dark Lord," Bella speaks up easily. I give Bella a look, worried about the cold in her normally happy eyes.

"Bella, please call me Godfather. I am glad to see you are achieving the standard I set for you," the Dark Lord responds.

"I wouldn't want to ruin your reputation, Godfather," Bella smiles but it looked different, it looked ruthless.

"I am very proud of you, Bella," the Dark Lord strokes my sister's head. Bella seemed like she would kill at that moment, and it scared me.

"They all need to unpack their stuff, my Lord," Cissy points out.

"Yes, yes," the Dark Lord waves us away, "Bella, find me later and tell me of your strength."

"I will look forward to it, Godfather," Bella walks away.

I quickly rush after her, Ally and Draco on my tail, "What the everloving fuck was that?" Draco snaps.

Bella looks at the three of us, before shrugging and walking away, "Answer the freak- fucking question." I cross my arms.

"Why? There's nothing new going on," Bella continues to shrug us off.

"Nothing new!" I snap, "The Dark Lord is your Godfather! That can't be old news."

"It is though," Bella tilts her head.

"How long have you known?" Ally asks, she was the only calm one (other than Bella).

"Since I was 4," Bella informs.

"And you never thought to mention it?" I roll my eyes.

"Pretty much," Bella smiles

"Sister of the year." I start to walk away, bumping Bella with my arm as I pass her.

"Thank you! I didn't know I was that good of a sister!" Bella's face lights up.

"You idiot," Draco sighs. He walks into his room and closes the door. I continue to walk down the hall, my brain running too fast for my liking. I've never felt more like Bella.

I felt like an idiot.

"Of course, she was chosen to be his Goddaughter! What more would I expect?" I start to rant privately, "I'm just a second choice if you can't have Bella. What's her name Lestrange, Bella's twin."

"I'm going to check in with my Godfather after this," Bella spoke up loudly to stop me from revealing too much of my feelings in front of Ally.

"What do you plan to say?" Ally asks, worry well hidden in her tone.

"I plan to," Bella stops for dramatic effect, "tell him what he wants to hear."

"What if Lucius tells him about George?" I join in.

"Who would he believe? Me, his darling God-daughter who can do anything he needs, or fucking Lucius?" Bella points out.

"See if you can get him to stop Lucius from torturing us," I suggest.

"He'll stop me from being tortured if I do, but you two will get tortured by him as well," Bella smiles sadly, "Anyway, don't want to keep him waiting."

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