Third-Year Christmas Holidays

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By Ebony - we got bored and decided to switch for one part

Bella POV

I walked into Malfoy Manor, holding my heavy bags. I dumped them at the entrance and gasped,

"Where's the Christmas tree?" I turned to Lucius, 

"We are having a party on Christmas day, we don't need stupid things, such as trees, wasting space!" Lucius replied. 

"Lucius," Cissy said quietly,

"They're too old for Christmas trees!" Lucius sighed, "Go and unpack," he ordered. 

We walked to our room and unpacked as quickly as we could. We then went back down to the dining room where Lucius was sitting at the table looking through invitations, 

"We can't invite them, Narcissa!" he said to Cissy, who was sitting beside him, "They're blood-traitors,"

"But-" Cissy started,

"I don't care, we're not inviting them, end of discussion!" he ripped the paper. Cissy nodded and left the room.

"Who are you talking about, Uncle?" I asked, I hated calling Lucius 'uncle'.

"That's none of your business," Lucius snapped back,

"It was the Weasley's wasn't it?" I pushed,

"I said it's none of your business, Bellatrix!" he realised what he had said, "...Bella," I looked at Ebony and Ally, they were staring at their shoes in Lucius' presence, Ally looked scared beyond reason, Ebony just looked pissed off, "Get over here, Bella," Lucius ordered, I didn't move, "Now!" he yelled. I shuffled over to him and looked down at my shoes. He used his thumb and index finger to make me look at him, "You'll regret that," he spat in my face. He released my chin and I went back over to Ally and Ebony, "Where's Draco?" Lucius asked them,

"In his room," Ally replied,

"Good," Lucius smirked, "Go to your room and stay there," he ordered. We quickly went to our room and sat on our beds,

"What does he mean by that?" Ally asked,

"I don't know," I replied, "But expect the worse," 

After a few minutes of silence, Lucius came into the room,

"Narcissa has taken Draco to pick out flowers for the Christmas party," Lucius told us, "We are all alone," I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat, "Incarcerous," as he spoke, thick ropes surrounded Ebony and tied her up. She struggled against the ropes, one went around her mouth so she could not speak, "Incarcerous," he said again. This time thick ropes went around me, going over my mouth as I struggled to get free, "You've had this coming all year," Lucius growled. Ally tried to run, "Imperio," Lucius said quickly, "You cannot run, Ally," he threw her onto the floor, locked the door and walked back over to her, "Incarcerous," he repeated a third time, the ropes went around Ally.  

I managed to get my mouth free, "Please," I begged, "She didn't do anything!" Ebony still struggled against the ropes, "Please, don't hurt her, hurt me! Please, Lucius!... hurt me," he looked at me and grinned slightly. I felt tears fill my eyes, but I didn't let them fall, I didn't let him think he won, 

"Oh shut up!" he told Ebony who was trying to speak through the ropes, "Imperio," he raised his wand and Ebony began to float, Lucius flicked his wand at the wall and Ebony went flying through the air and smashed into the wall, she fell onto the floor and groaned, "Crucio," Ally writhed in pain, screaming. Ebony looked up at me, it may have been a trick of the light but it looked as if there were tears in her eyes. 

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