First Year Summer Holidays

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By Ebony (Bella is covering Lucius' books with poo)

First-Year Summer Holidays

Ebony POV

We walked in silence to the front door and went in...

The manor looked as it always did; bleak and boring. We immediately went to our rooms and unpacked for the summer. I loved Hogwarts but I did miss Dobby and Cissy. Dobby came in not long after we arrived.

"Miss Ebony, Miss Bella, Master requires you in the dining room," he told us. We thanked him and made our way downstairs. We walked downstairs and see Cissy, Lucius, Ally and Draco waiting for us. We sat down and waited until someone spoke.

"We expect you children to be on your best behaviour these holidays," said Lucius, "You are growing up," The four of us nodded, "We are having a party later in the week. You must all mind your manners,"

"Yes, Father," said Draco, the rest of us nodded again.


Ally had moved into our room just before the night of the party. We loved having her in the room; it saved us from Lucius. We got to choose our dresses for the party, I chose a blue one, Ally got a green one, and Bella, purposely, chose and red and gold one, just to annoy Lucius. We were all dressed and ready to go when Dobby came in,

"They are ready for you," he stammered before running out. We went downstairs to where everyone was waiting. Draco was wearing a black suit and was already talking to Pansy Parkinson.

"Why did she have to come?" whispered Bella,

"I don't know, but be nice," I told her,

"Fine!" she sighed. As well as Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Daphne and Astoria Greengrass were there. More enemies than friends. We sat at the large table and ate. Then it was dancing. The adults danced and danced while the kids were taken downstairs into a separate room to "bond" and "have some fun". It was a boring few hours, Pansy swooned over Draco who was trying to talk to Crabbe and Goyle, Ally talked with Astoria and Daphne. While Bella and Blaise sat on the couch playing chess. I leaned on the table near the door and when no one was looking I slipped out. I threw off my heels and hid them before racing out the front door into the night air.

I raced down the stone driveway and into the forest. The thestrals were asleep and the animals of the night were out. Owls hooted, crickets chirped. I made my way to a lake that only Bella, Ally and I knew about. Glowworms and the moon lit up the lake, making it look like a sheet of ice. I stripped down to my underclothes and waded in. It was cold but nice. I floated on my back and swam around the lake many times. After a while, I heard feet running through the forest toward me. I looked up. Standing there was Blaise, Pansy, Crabbe, Goyle, Daphne, Astoria, Draco, Ally and Bella. I started to swim back to the edge of the lake, embarrassed. The Greengrass girls were giggling with Pansy.

"What were you thinking, Ebony?" asked Draco, "Are you trying to ruin the party?" I shook my head,

"I just-" I started,

"Don't answer that, Ebony," Bella interrupted. She threw off her dress and dived into the water. She came up laughing and spluttering. Soon Ally was also swimming in the cool water. Crabbe, Goyle, Pansy, Blaise, Draco and the Greengrass girls watched from the edge of the lake. After an hour or two we got out of the lake and put our dresses back on. When we got back to the Manor we were soaking wet. "I should've taken off my underclothes!" Bella whined,

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