Fifth Year Christmas Holidays

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By Bella

Ebony pov

I walk through the doors, I was glad to avoid being around Harry for a while. He may have become more tolerable, but if I had to snog him one more time I would jump off the astronomy tower.

"Welcome home Bella," The Dark Lord instantly walks to his Goddaughter, grabbing her in a hug.

"I'm glad to return," Bella curtsies.

I bow to the Dark Lord before leaving to go to my room, uninterested in what he has to say. He made me date Potter, why would I even want to spend time with him.

Ally went to Draco's room, I didn't want to know what they were doing. Sadly, I could guess. We went to our room glad to leave the presence of any Death Eaters.

"Hello," an oddly familiar voice speaks.

"Mother?" Bella asks from behind me.

"It's so good to see you girls," Mother opens her arms for a hug.

I move to step forwards, but Bella grabs my sleeve and stops me, "What word did Father teach me on accident?" Bella quizzes who she thought wasn't our mother.

"Your father taught Bella to say fuck," Mother sighs, "And I taught you both to hate the Longbottom's."

"Belle, it's our Mother," I whisper quickly, before hugging my Mother.

It was in the blink of an eye, a blade was being held to my throat, "Why didn't you get me out of that cursed place?" Mother asks, staring me dead in the eye.

"Cause we were children, we are still children," Bella snaps, "We are children that the Ministry barely trusts. We are children considered to be sick children of horrible people."

"Getting so moody, Bella," our Mother mocked Bella's name that was based on her own, "You must be on the rag."

"I'm leaving," Bella turns away, the knife at my throat leaving as fast as it arrived.

"Aren't you a naughty girl?" Mother smiles, proud of her supposedly wicked daughter.

Bella looks toward me quickly, checking to make sure I'm safe. Then she left. She left me with our crazy Mother.

"If you're here, where's Father?" I ask, eyes scanning for a surprise attack.

"He didn't want to come," Mother loses her sickening smile, the only sign of love I may ever see on her face, "He thought that it would be too dangerous to crawl out from the hole he's hiding in. Too risky to see his daughters," she scoffs. 

I give in to the fact I would have to talk to her eventually, "How are you?" I pretend to be interested in how my crazy mother felt.

"I would be better if I had a daughter that helped me out of Azkaban," Mother shrugs.

"Once again," I sigh, "We are children. I only found out Cissy wasn't my Mother because Bella told me."

"Really?" Mother gives me an off look, "More importantly, I hear you're doing well with Potter."

"He's just a task," I answer honestly.

"But you must love him, for the Dark Lord," Mother orders.

"Loving someone should not be a chore," I snap, "I will never love Potter, not even for the Dark Lord."

"It is your task," Mother tries.

"And it's your task to be my mother," I manage to control myself from hexing her and leave to go to the dining room.

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