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"Are you sure it's him?" The question that spilled out from Namjoon's mouth attracted the others' attention and they started to stop eating.

"Fine. Send me the picture right away. Thanks, bro."

"What happened? Did someone found Jungkook?" Seokjin immediately asked as he heard Namjoon's conversation on the phone just now.

Namjoon looked over to Seokjin before a heavy sigh left his mouth. He just got a call from his friend, who said that he accidentally found someone that looked like Jungkook so he snapped some pictures of that guy and called Namjoon right away.

"My friend. He saw him in Ulsan."

"Ulsan? Your hometown?" Taehyung asked and Namjoon nodded to confirm it. A few pings suddenly interrupted them before Namjoon immediately opened the new messages he got from his friend.

"It's confirmed. It's really him." Namjoon showed them the picture his friend took.

"I don't understand. Why did he run? Did he got some problems?" Jimin asked in confusion.

He believed that being an idol was Jungkook's dream since he was still a child. So why? He literally won't run away from his own dream that he chase since forever without any reason.

"I could never answer that. The real reason could only be answered by him." Namjoon said again, making everyone on the dining table sighed.


"Kookie. Please." Hana was practically begging him with her pouty face and her puppy eyes. She wanted to play at the playground outside but when she asked her mom just now, Anne straightly said that she didn't allow Hana to go.

"Baby. Your mom is tired from work. We will go play another day okay?" Jungkook said, convincing that little girl. But, instead of responding to Jungkook, her eyes became teary before her tears flowed like a river from her eyes.

"Princess. Oh my God. Why are you crying? Don't cry, baby." Jungkook quickly pulled her by her shoulders and got her between his thighs before he wiped the tears that kept flowing from her eyes with his thumbs.

"Can't you be with me instead? If mom can't go, why not you?" She said, still in tears. Jungkook sighed, don't really know what he should say to convince Hana.

He knew Anne was so tired and probably hope that Hana could stay home to avoid any danger out there and worry her. He already learned about Henry, Anne's rival that always harms her whenever they got the chance.

Due to Hana's wailing, Anne walked out of her room before she headed towards Hana and Jungkook. She kneeled and took Hana's shoulder to make her daughter face her.

"Fine, cupcake. Let's go to the playground." Anne said that with a small smile and caused Hana to looked at her mother in the eyes with her teary eyes. She immediately wiped her tears away while sniffled.

"R-really?" She asked and Anne smiled before she nodded. Hana looked over to Jungkookwith a wide smile before she jumped happily.

"Yeay! Yeay! We are going to the playground!" Hana cheered and Jungkook and Anne just watched the girl that just cried a while ago, jumped around.

"You sure you want to follow us? You just got back. I can take care of her." Jungkook asked Anne before she shook her head.

"I'm worried. It's better if I follow. At least, I can be sure that she's safe." Jungkook smiled as he nodded before the three of them walked out of the apartment and went to the playground.

Hana ran towards the swing and sat on the swing before she rocked herself back and forth to make the swing move. Meanwhile, Jungkook and Anne walked towards a bench and sat there, eyes glued on Hana that was playing with the swing with a wide happy smile on her face.

A few moments passed with silence. It's not an awkward silence but somehow, they just felt comfortable, feeling each other's presence without saying anything. Jungkook suddenly cleared his throat to break the silence.

"If you don't mind me asking, which I doubt you would say you don't, but I really want to ask you. Where's Hana's father? Are you really married?" Jungkook bit his bottom lips as the question was thrown to Anne. Anne looked at him before she smiled a little.

"I do mind but I probably don't mind if it's you who's asking. He left me. My ex-boyfriend." Anne replied, suddenly got the memories that she wished to be just a mere nightmare.

"Left as in dead or..."

"He's still alive, I guess? He left me because he said he wants to chase his dream and staying with me would block his dream from becoming reality." She said again, responded to Jungkook.

"What the..." Jungkook can't actually believe what he heard from Anne. He gulped his saliva, hard, before another question was asked to her.

"Do you still... you know..."

"Love him?" Anne cut his words and he pursed his lips before he nodded, hesitantly.

"I loved him back then. But, the feelings were long gone after he left me." She said, and he was not sure if she was telling the truth or not. Hana was just 3 years old. And, he knew moving on is not as easy as being said. But, he just pushed those thoughts aside.

"Probably, I don't deserve to be happy. I keep losing the one that I love and care about. My dad, my ex-boyfriend, my...best friend." Anne laughed but Jungkook heard it more like she's wailing in pain and agony.

"Don't say that. Everyone deserves to be happy. You are no exception. He left because the universe wants to tell you that he's not worth staying with you and Hana. He's not worth staying until the last chapter of your life." Jungkook said with a smile, reassuring her that everything will be fine.

"I hope I could say the same to myself before. But, yeah, I moved on. I have Hana now, and I love her. Or else, I don't know what will happens to me. Anyways, thanks, Jungkook." Anne thank him before he shook his head.

"No worries."

"But, if I was him, I would never leave you." Anne slowly brought her gaze up to meet with Jungkook's. Jungkook smiled genuinely while Anne was lost once she heard that words went out from his mouth.

And, again, she felt something ticklish in her stomach and she hopes it's not something that she thought it could be.

"Momi! Kookie!" Hana called both of them, which made them quickly broke their gaze and looked at Hana running towards them.

"Come and play with me!" Hana grabbed both of Anne's and Jungkook's hands and dragged them towards the playground. They just followed Hana's steps and after a while, the three of them were playing pirates with waves of laughter filled the air.

Anne's gaze was fixed to Jungkook who was laughing on the ground when Hana caught him. She closed her eyes and shook her head a few times, trying her best to not think about it. It's been so long since she felt this way and she hates it.


sorry for the short update but i'll make sure that you will love the next update you will get from me ;))

lots of love,

𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐃 𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐄 - 𝐉𝐉𝐊 ✓Where stories live. Discover now