r o u n d 20

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i really thought i could not do the double update again today since i'm not feeling well but yeah, i love to spoil you guys with my updates

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i really thought i could not do the double update again today since i'm not feeling well but yeah, i love to spoil you guys with my updates. don't forget to read round 19 first♡


Jungkook laughed at the stupid lame jokes that Seokjin, as usual, threw to them. The van that they were on right now filled with their laughed while a few of them already rolled their eyes at the dad jokes that probably got them sick already. Well, Jimin was one of them.

"Oh, oh! There's one more." Seokjin continued to give his jokes to the members but Jungkook suddenly was interrupted by the ringing of his phone. He smiled when he saw the caller ID that appeared on his screen.

He quickly answered the call with a jumping heart but his smile slowly faded as the only thing that he heard from the other end of the line was the sound of Anne's crying.

"Hey, what happened? Why are you crying?" He frowned as he quickly asked his girlfriend, slowly felt worried about what made her crying like that. The members quickly averted their attention on him including their manager.

"Jungkook... H-Hana... She got into... an accident. She's in a hospital right now. Jungkook... I don't know how to feel right now..." She tried her best to explain what happened and his heart was clenched at the news he just got informed by Anne.

"W-what... How- I mean, wait for me there. Tell me which hospital and I will go there as soon as possible. Okay, dear?" Jungkook said, tried to control his trembling voice as Anne continued to cry and that really made Jungkook's heart tore into pieces.

"I'm scared, Jungkook... What if something bad happened to her? What if... she didn't-"

"Hey, hey. Don't say it. It's okay. Wait for me, okay? I will be there right away. I love you." Jungkook then cut the call as he rubbed his face with his right palm as he sighed heavily. His hands were trembling as his breathing started to accelerate.

"Kook? What happened? Who called you?" Jimin quickly asked and all of them waited for him to respond.

"My girlfriend. Her daughter got into a car accident. Can I probably go to the hospital where they are first? I need to be there for her. Just drop me at the dorm and I will take my motorbike with me and go straight to Ulsan."

Their manager looked at him before he immediately opened the tab that was in his grip and checked their schedule. He was counting on something while looking at it before he sighed and then, looked back at Jungkook as well as other members.

"Fine. We can reschedule this shooting for next week. And, since it's your last schedule for today, I think it's better for all of us to just go straight to the hospital. Is it okay with all of you?" Their manager asked every one of them as they quickly nodded as a response.

"We are fine if it's for Jungkook," Jimin said and the other members nodded again in agreement.

"Thanks a lot, manager Lee. Thanks, guys." Jungkook smiled but still couldn't hide his anxiousness. He fiddled his fingers while biting his lower lips, thinking about Anne and Hana in the hospital. But, then, he felt someone patting his back and he slowly brought his gaze towards the person.

"They will be fine, Kook," Hoseok said and Jungkook just pursed his lips as he nodded. He just let Hoseok calmed him down despite his rage towards Hoseok and his past with Anne. But, right now, he couldn't think about anything else other than his girlfriend and her daughter.

Their journey to Ulsan took almost 4 hours and almost every member already fell asleep while Jungkook only fixed his gaze out of the window while his mind was full of the thought of Anne and Hana.

From time to time, he would sigh heavily as he could not stop feeling worried and anxious. He texted Anne every 10 minutes to ask if she's okay or if the doctor already inform her about Hana. But, the answer was still the same. There's no news yet.

After a very long journey, they finally arrived at their destination as Jungkook quickly got out from the van, already wore his mask and cap. He ran into the hospital while his bodyguard that just got out of their car quickly ran after him.

"Babe!" Jungkook called once Anne's figure that was sitting in front of an emergency room came into his sight. He quickly ran towards her petite figure before her body was engulfed in his embrace.

Her sobs slowly were heard by him as she brought her arms to the back of his body and hugged him back, digging her face onto his chest while crying loudly.

"I'm scared... I was there... But... She's... Jungkook..." Anne tried to talk but end up crying even more. Jungkook slowly pushed her body out of his embrace as he quickly wiped the tears on her cheeks with both of his thumbs.

"Shh. Don't cry, Anne. Hana will be found. Please. I hate to see you cry." Anne leaned into the touch as she closed her eyes with the tears still rolling unstoppably on her cheeks. Her body was trembling as he again hugged her to calm him down.

While Jungkook was calming his girlfriend down, other members and their manager, on the other hand just stood there, watching while waiting for the doctor to come out with the final result about Hana's condition.

"I need to go to the restroom," Hoseok said as he quickly walked away. His heart clenched within his ribcage once he confirmed who was in Jungkook's embrace just now.

He never knew the Anne that was currently Jungkook's girlfriend was the same Anne he once dated for four years and left nine years ago. He arrived at the man restroom as he grasped the sink in front of him before he lifted his gaze and looked at his reflection.

What did I ever do to meet you again in another man's arms, Anne?

After about 15 minutes he spent in the restroom, he finally could collect himself and slowly brought his steps out from the restroom and walked with a controlled expression to the line of chairs that were placed in front of the emergency room.

He sat next to Yoongi as he threw his gaze towards Anne that was leaning her head on Jungkook's shoulder. Their hand was intertwined to each other while Jungkook caressed the back of her hand that was in his grip.

He quickly turned his attention from keeping himself looking at the view that pained his heart right to the core. He clenched his jaws while he then took a deep breath and released them slowly, tried his best to calm his heart that was beating like crazy within his ribcage.

"You okay, Seok?" He heard a whisper from his left as he looked at Yoongi. Maybe that friend of his could see that he's suddenly started to sweat and how he could not fiddling his fingers as if he was anxious about something.

Hoseok just smiled and nodded to say that he's okay as Yoongi just smiled at him while patted Hoseok's thigh a few times before he averted his attention back to his phone. Hoseok heaved a heavy sigh before he bitted his lower lip. He placed his head to the wall as he closed his eyes, trying to forget about everything.

Oh, how he hopes this was all just a mere nightmare. Because, after all these years, he still loves her.

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