Chapter 10

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John Walker seems to be actively trying to lose Bucky his pardon, he's sure of it. Why else does he seem intent on pushing him to a point where all he wants to do is squeeze the life out of him with his bare hands? At this point, he thinks the Walker's have decided to work together to drive him to his breaking point. And he's getting ever closer to it.

All he'd wanted to do today was confront Sam about why he'd given up the shield. Steve's shield. Knowing that anything he said wouldn't have mattered anyway, because he'd never understand it. And he was right; it didn't make sense to him how he could just hand it over so easily.

But rather than say his piece and leave, he'd somehow ended up in Munich trying to help Sam hunt down a group called the Flag Smashers. He's not sure it could have gone any worse if they'd tried. It should have been a straightforward job, and yet he'd got the shit kicked out of him by a teenager. As if that wasn't bad enough, John fucking Walker had to appear out of nowhere, thinking he could save the day. Had he? No, of course he hadn't.

And that's how Bucky has ended up here. Walking in the middle of fucking nowhere, on some road in Munich with Sam Wilson beside him. Silently seething to himself and wondering why the fuck he even bothered to help him today. His anger is getting the best of him. Lately, it feels like it is overwhelming him, and he doesn't enjoy feeling like he's not in control. He's not even had time to process the fact that there are more super soldiers out there.

The honking of a horn interrupts the quiet as a truck pulls up ahead of them. If Bucky thought he was angry before, it is nothing compared to how he feels when John Walker swings the back door of the truck open, calling to them and gesturing for them to get in. As if he didn't just show up and royally fuck up what they were trying to do.

Thankfully, Sam has the same idea as him, and they both ignore John and walk right past the truck. He quite enjoys having his freedom, and he's not sure the government will be too pleased if he attacks their new Captain America. It doesn't seem like John is willing to take the hint though, as he gets the truck to follow them as he continues to shout out to them over the noise of the engine.

Bucky tries his best to ignore everything John is saying. He lets Sam do all the talking, lets him explain that they're up against super soldiers. Something they didn't even know was a possibility.

"Shit. Super soldiers? Are you serious?" It's not John who speaks up, it's the guy sitting across from him in the back of the truck. Bucky doesn't really care to find out who he is, but he can guess. This must be the Lemar guy Alexis spoke of. He's pretty sure he saw him in a few photos when he was researching John.

Bucky was trying his best to not answer them but when John once again suggests that they work together he has to interrupt him.

"No, that's not fucking happening." Bucky keeps it simple and to the point.

What is with this guy? Does he not know how to take a fucking hint? It isn't even a hint at this point. Bucky couldn't be more clear about it if he tried. It seems John Walker is just as pushy as his wife.

"Come on, be reasonable. Surely you can see that we'd have a better chance if..."

"No. And in case you didn't hear me the first two times, Walker... No. You can throw around that shield as much as you like, but that doesn't make you Captain America." Bucky had hated the sight of him fighting with Steve's shield on top of those trucks. Everything about it felt wrong.

John responds, but Bucky doesn't even bother to listen to what he has to say. But he does finally look over at John. He's sitting in the back of the truck, in his stupid fucking suit. Maybe it would be worth losing his pardon just to have the chance to hit this guy in his smug face.

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