• Chifuyu Matsuno - Sorry for not protecting you - part 3 final

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Sitting on the swing with an umbrella in his hand, Chifuyu looked solemnly at the raindrops falling into a puddle of water near his shoe.

It had been two weeks since the incident with Valhalla and only a couple of days since he was fully discharged from the hospital. No more check ups or refreshing his bandages by the doctors.  He was informed that he would make a full recovery, maybe slow one but at least no permanent damage would remain.

The rest of his healing process was left into his own hands. 

Of course they instructed him to not fight for at least a month. However he couldn't hold onto to that promise. 

Because in just a couple of days, Toman and Valhalla were going neck on neck. And he would be on the front lines, together with the entire gang.

Well...All expect for one.

Despite the doctors best efforts to heal most of your wounds, you still hadn't woken up.

This condition you were in resembled some kind of coma that even the medics couldn't quite explain. Their thoughts were that because you had taken so many hits, your body was still in rest modus and that it could take quite some time before you recovered completely.

During their career, the doctors had seen many girls brought to the hospital with different wounds and scars. But never had they witnessed such a bruised and bloody body like yours. At least not that they could remember. It was quite shocking to say the least.

By some miracle you had no broken bones, yet most of your figure was wrapped into bandages.

Despite all of this Chifuyu was glad with one thing. His friend was still alive and that was all that mattered

When news got too Mikey by Takemichi, the commander couldn't belief what he was hearing. Together with Draken he went to visit you and as he laid eyes on your figure that looked like a mummy, he was at loss for words. It saddened him that Baji had done this to you. A woman nonetheless.

As for the vice captain of the first division, he found himself in quite a conflict since that day. Between getting his friend back, or abandoning him.

Because after what you had to endure, for the first time, he found himself growing negative feelings for his former captain. Despite having been by his side for a very long time, what he had done to you, was something unforgivable in his eyes.

Yet when he heard Mikey's announcement, two days ago, that he wanted Baji back, despite having hurt two of his former comrades, he found himself feeling overjoyed with happiness. 

In short, his emotions were all over the place and he didn't know how to get out of this dilemma.

He needed advice. He had talked about this with Takemichi and Mitsuya but neither of them knew what the correct answer was. 

The only one he needed right now, was the girl he failed to protect

Letting his umbrella fall out of his hand, the boy clutched his head. Rain pouring out of the sky onto his uniform, slowly getting hims soaked. But Chifuyu didn't care, he had too much to think about then to worry over a stupid cold.

" Do you want to get the flu or something?" a gentle but stern recognizable voice addressed him making him jerk his head up.

Standing in front of him was the person he had just visited. Holding an umbrella over the both of them. Their face no longer wrapped up. Only a few band aids pasted on.

Standing up Chifuyu reached out his hand to touch their face delicately. Once his skin made contact with theirs an overwhelming feeling of both sadness and relief coursed through his veins. 

" Why are you being weird?" the girl questioned with blank expression

"I'm sorry" the boy managed to get out of his mouth " I'm sorry for not having been able to protect you" he lowly mumbled

You frowned at his words " This isn't your fault Matsuno. I choose to protect you. That was my decision and so the outcome is my own responsibility. "

" No!" he snapped making you flinch " I should have fought harder. I could have freed myself way earlier and prevented all this"

You could see the regret, guilt and anger he felt towards himself. Tho you had endured severe damage, seeing your friend like this, truly hurt the most.

" Baji..I..I don't know what to do with him right know" 

Hearing this your mouth parted slightly" I want to get him back..but what he has done to you..is just..just s-"

He didn't finish his sentence as you caught him of guard by embracing him tightly, ignoring the aching pain from your body

" Don't" you softly whispered into his ear " Don't say something you don't mean"

" I understand that right now, your mind is clouded with different thoughts concerning Baji." you stepped back to meet his eyes " On one hand you still desire his return, yet you also feel disappointed in him for what he has done."

Placing your hand over his cheeks you caressed the side that wasn't covered in bandages " However despite your mixed emotions and all that has happened, I can see clear as day, that you still want him back. "

Chifuyu felt himself stiffen at your words. Everything you just said was exactly correct. 

" And I can assure, that even tho he beat the shit out of me and I would like nothing more than to give him a taste of his own medicine, I'll nevertheless still help you. Because that's what friends are for" you gave him a toothy grin at the end of your sentence

The boy eye's glimmered, touched by your sincerity. Now the path was clear for him and he could pursue it without having to feel guilty for his choice.

Because you had reassured him that no matter what, you would follow him " Thank you Y/n" he genuinely said

" Now let's go somewhere out of the rain before you catch a cold" you bent down, picked up his umbrella and handed it to him.

" Oh and before I forget to mention, I'll be fighting during the Toman, Valhalla battle..just so you know" you announced, twirling a strand of your hair between your fingers, in nervousness

" WHAT?" Chifuyu exclaimed in utter disbelief " Have you lost your mind?! You just woke up"

Sweat dropping, you had anticipated this reaction " Once again, this is my decision. Neither you or Mikey will change my mind. So that's final" you firmly stated, making your friends eyebrow twitch with annoyance

Knowing how stubborn you where, he knew that arguing wasn't an option. 

Chifuyu let out a long exhausted sigh " Fine then but I let me warn you in advance " he went to stand in front of you and placed both his hands on your shoulders " This time, I'll definitely protect you" 

His gaze was so intense, filled with determination, that you had to look away before he could see your flustered expression 

" Do as you want" you mumbled with a smile

" Do as you want" you mumbled with a smile

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- The end

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